Tango Quotes

Will.i.am and I performed at Wango Tango. That's when my daughter said that I had made it in music.

There might have been a period around 'Tango & Cash' when I was nearly fashionable. My problem is that my weight's always been changing for the movies I'm in.

I love tango and I used to dance when I was young.

We believe that we should come to an agreement with the Palestinians. But we need two to tango.

The tango is really a combination of many cultures though it eventually became the national music of Argentina.

I had to do a tango with Raft and I learned to dance in ballet shoes with my knees bent.

I am only interested in bad taste if I can enjoy a gruesome tango or watch a movie that makes me cry.

Whoever thought to name a candy bar Butterfinger has either never seen Last Tango In Paris or seen it far too many times.

Tango is about feeling and sensitivity otherwise you are just doing gymnastics. You can do all the steps but it has to have the feeling and sensitivity of authentic tango.

I think those who say that you can't tango if you are not Argentine are mistaken. Tango was an immigrant music... so it does not have a nationality. It's only passport is feeling.

My goal now is to dance all the dances as long as I can and then to sit down contented after the last elegant tango some sweet night and pass on because there wasn't another dance left in me.

You just can't take a crash course to be a tango dancer in a movie.

The beginning and the end of the tango is the walk.

It takes two to tango! I need everybody to sing with me.

You can teach a bear to tango on a barrel but his enthusiasm and performance are limited and brief.

If you mention any ideological thing about shooting Last Tango in Paris I was thinking I was doing a political film.

The tango is a direct expression of something that poets have often tried to state in words: the belief that a fight may be a celebration.

The secret of tango is in this moment of improvisation that happens between step and step. It is to make the impossible thing possible: to dance silence.

-'I don't see what good it's going to do for you to waltz back in there and--' -'Can I tango back in there instead? So much sexier than the waltz.

The society girl meets more dangers than the girl on the stage. There is more danger at a tango tea than in the theatre. The actor is less dangerous than the dancing master.

Even though I had pushed through the Tango album it was just not a very good environment to be in on a daily basis. In many ways this is the best time of my life.

As a professional as a person and as a player I think he's fantastic. It's like he's dancing the tango. I just love how he plays football so elegantly. To me Andres is Don Andres.

You can raise welts like nobody else as we dance to the Masochism Tango.

Everyone should learn to tango in Argentina before they die.

I love to dance and perform the Argentine tango - it breathes love!

I like structuring verses choruses but sometimes the verses might be a tango and the choruses might be death metal.

The Argentine tango is very special to me because it's full of sensuality. The chemistry between the man and woman is absolutely stunning.

I've discovered all kinds of music and done all kinds of music over the past 40 years from playing tango with Piazzolla to all the different bands I've had.

I started buying records in the 80s. I listened to everything new wave disco funk synth-pop rock but in my house we were listening to bossa nova tango and folk.

The money part is one of the most difficult things. Coppola always said I should do a tango movie. If it hadn't been for him I don't know where we would have gotten the money.

Daddy What's the horizontal tango?

When you dance tango fast you have to think slow.

In plain proletarian worker's language it takes two to tango.

Dance tango and you are literally plastered up against somebody's body

For me tango was always for the ear rather than the feet.

When you're 50 the best thing to do is dance the Argentinean tango.

Niggas know my pussy taste like mango-tango so they put a couple karats in my ankle bangles

It takes two to tango"; one dictates the steps and the other executes them effectively. That is how a great show is made.

Personally I now aim for one month of overseas relocation or high-intensity learning (tango fighting whatever) for every two months of work projects.

I'm dancing tango and I'm playing golf and I'm quite active you know and for my age and everything and what I've gone through I'm very happy.

I still can't believe that some pseudocritics continue to accuse me of having murdered tango. They have it backward. They should look at me as the saviour of tango. I performed plastic surgery on it.