Swayed Quotes

Men are swayed more by fear than by reverence.

My affections are easily swayed and I can be very unfaithful.

I don't find myself to be the kind of person who is easily swayed.

It's no good being too easily swayed by people's opinions. You have to believe in yourself.

I think it takes time to find your natural style and learn not to be swayed by trends that might not flatter you.

I do listen to myself sometimes and think 'Is my moral compass so easily swayed by the characters I play or is it me growing as a human being?'

I love anybody who's willing to stick to their own vision their own voice who's not easily swayed by money or by financers who are going to tell them what they should do.

The generality of men are naturally apt to be swayed by fear rather than reverence and to refrain from evil rather because of the punishment that it brings than because of its own foulness.

The will of man is by his reason swayed.

They swayed about upon a rocking horse And thought it Pegasus.

You know the public is more easily swayed by persons than by principles.

I make clothes for a woman who is not swayed by what her husband thinks.

A wicked person swayed by evil motives and evil actions is described as a demon.

When a writer is swayed with his fame and his fortune you can float him down the river with the turds.

The art of giving orders is not to try to rectify the minor blunders and not be swayed by petty doubts.

Peopleâ??s feelings are easily swayed. The things reflected in peopleâ??s eyes are full of deception. Nothing is as it appears.

Don't be swayed by the false values and goals of this world but put Christ and his will first in everything you do.

I swayed into him drawn to his obsessive and insatiable raw need for me which reflected the depth of my need for him

Mobster stories are always a harder sell for me. I don't romanticize organize crime the way others do though I can be swayed.

There must be a stronger foundation than mere friendship or sexual attraction. Unconditional love agape love will not be swayed by time or circumstances.

Reason must be the universal rule and guide; all things must be done according to reason without allowing oneself to be swayed by emotion.

Man is a talking animal and he will always let himself be swayed by the power of the word. Machines won't change human nature.

A man who is swayed by negative emotions may have good enough intentions may be truthful in word but he will never find the Truth.

No. She will never be queen." She swayed toward him and he felt like he was being encircled by a python smothered and choked.

Judges are but men and are swayed like other men by vehement prejudices. This is corruption in reality give it whatever other name you please.

Well it was war - I could not have carried on as an administrative officer if I had let myself be swayed emotionally by my feelings.

The lush green of the fields became a rich gold that swayed sturdily under the wind and fell at last before the hands of the reapers.

People who trust me will not be swayed by what's been said about me and for people who don't no amount of good reports will persuade them.

Have the courage of your own convictions and don't be swayed by friends who boast about their financial home runs. Last year's winners are often this year's losers.

If you hold onto the beauty and inspiration and the clarity that is music you will have an anchor you will not be too far swayed by what the world is

Though leaves are many the root is one; Through all the lying days of my youth I swayed my leaves and flowers in the sun Now I may wither into the truth.

I kind of like that thing of you being caught up. You think you can judge someone and before you know it you've been swayed by them and actually you want more of them.