Stunts Quotes

I do all my own stunts!

As time went on I got envious and wanted to do a lot of stunts myself

I love playing roles that are physical absolutely love. Whether it's just that kind of basic level of physicality or whether it's stunts.

The ads all call me fearless but that's just publicity. Anyone who thinks I'm not scared out of my mind whenever I do one of my stunts is crazier than I am.

I love doing stunts.

I love doing my own stunts but it's hard.

The stunts on the ground I can do but I've never been good with heights.

I am the poet of the high wire - I never do stunts; I do theatrical performances.

The unsuccessful person is burdened by learning and prefers to walk down familiar paths. Their distaste for learning stunts their growth and limits their influence.

I'm good at looking good with weapons and stunts. But if you put a bull's eye in front of me and asked me to hit it I'd say the chances of me hitting it are about one in a million!

I did do my own stunts.

I don't do any amount of stunts.

I've definitely become much more aware of physical stunts.

My parents meant well but the road to Hell is paved with publicity stunts.

Do you have any coffee?'...'It stunts my growth and I'm afraid of death.

This "Not Today" attitude of yours is a cancer. Cancer of the character. It stunts your growth.

For me the stunts are so cool they're one of my favourite things when we're doing the film.

As much as they'll let me I do my own stunts and I do all my own fighting.

I'd love to do an action movie. Something with lots of stunts. Anything fast and dangerous and involving guns.

We did many of our own stunts. We had our hands full. In fact the roles were physically demanding.

Working on such a big film was amazing. I learned a lot. There weren't too many stunts just some doubling.

To yield to Resistance deforms our spirit. It stunts us and makes us less than we are and were born to be.

Actors say they do their own stunts for the integrity of the film but I did them because they looked like a lot of fun.

I do some of my stunts for the things I have learned. But if it is for something I have never learned then I use a double.

Acting is my number one but dancing will always be a part of who I am and in my heart. I love doing stunts when they are a part of my acting.

Planet of the Apes was a gigantic challenge making the clothes work so people could do stunts and action in the clothes. I really learned a lot about that in that movie.

When they make the movie of your lifethey're going to have to ask youto do your own stuntsbecause nobody nobody nobody nobodycould pull off the same shit as youand still come out alright

It's our job to get into the hardest-to-see places and bring back the best footage - we have the best footage of North Korea ever shot. If that's a stunt then I'll keep on doing stunts until I die.

I do my own stunts; that's something I'm very passionate about. I spent a lot of time on boats as a kid so it's just nice to be able to put that into use in the job that I do.

My life is like a movie and I do my own stunts

I need to be agile because I do all my own stunts.

I always love to do my own stunts when they let me right?

Of course I do my own stunts. And I also do my own lying.

When you're doing superhero stunts the objective is to look as cool as humanly possible.

I did a lot of stunts so the harness work isn't foreign to me either.

As much as theyll let me I do my own stunts and I do all my own fighting.

I'm in professional wrestling which is what I do for a living. I coordinate stunts. I memorize them.

Im in professional wrestling which is what I do for a living. I coordinate stunts. I memorize them.

I do MMA and things like that so any chance I get to do my own stunts I love it.

I don't do stunts - I do running jumping and falling down. After 25 years I know exactly what I'm doing.

I'm very physical. I grew up boxing. I've done almost all of my own stunts in movies and in television.

So I don't only watch my back I watch my front Cause it's the niggaz who front they be pulling stunts!

If I can avoid doing stunts I will. I don't want to die just for a movie. It's not worth it.

I've got to be active in life and it's the same when I'm doing stunts in a movie: I'll do anything.

I was a gymnast for many years before I was a dancer so it comes in pretty handy when we do stunts.

I was a gymnast for many years before I was a dancer so it comes in pretty handy when I do stunts.

I love that they do that. I love action and I love doing my own stunts. I love that sort of thing.

Progress is not made by pulling off a series of stunts. Each step has to be regulated. A man cannot expect to progress without thinking.

I do generally all my stuff [stunts] except for motorcycles and cars that stuff I don't know how to do as well as certain people do.

I try to do as many stunts as they'll let me do. I think it's important for an audience to feel that the actor's really doing it.

When I was doing stunts I had lots of cuts on my body because of the chain. Even though everybody took care of me I still got hurt.

We try to spread the word about the charity by doing fun little stunts to catch people's attention. Like when Hank Green did a music video for us.

I have always done my own stunts and I have been in hundreds of fights in films but I have never been in a fist fight outside the movies.

There are ways of doing stunts without me. I get no pleasure putting my life in jeopardy just to get the shot. Life is too short for that nonsense.

I've done things to my body mechanically that I'll never do again. I've done stunts that I shouldn't have done 10 11 12 times. I've broken a ton of bones on sets.

If I did everything I probably wouldn't be here talking to you. There aren't too many people who can actually double me so I do most of my stunts though.

I do about 90 percent of my own stunts and the things I can't do for insurance reasons like swinging out of a flying helicopter I wouldn't want to do anyway.

I try to do as many of my own stunts as possible. If you keep on taking yourself out of the role you play you lose the thread of the character.

We were doing the dance routine and I dislocated my knee. I've been doing stunts for a long time and it's kind of weird that I'd dislocate my knee just dancing.

Sometimes I think women are lucky because they can develop in ways men can't. The old-boy network may be oppressive to women but it actually stunts men in terms of personal growth.

Going on things like rollercoasters is not really up my street I guess. I don't feel like I need to do stunts. I'm too scared and I don't think it's my job.

It's great to do commercial movies; they are fun. You're doing stunts you are running around there is a lot of money involved in the production; there are incredible sets and designs.

I love the training learning the stunts doing them. I love feeling that power - doing things you could never actually do in life - like flying and doing backflips in the air!

In America they want you to accomplish these great feats to pull off these David Copperfield-type stunts. You want me to be great but you don't ever want me to say I'm great?

I like Jackie [Chan] because I've been a fan of Jackie's forever. He's broken every bone in his body for his commitment and dedication to doing his own stunts. So he's the real deal.