Stared Quotes

Whatever art is it is no longer something primarily to be looked at. Stared at perhaps but not primarily looked at

Cuchulain stirred Stared on the horses of the sea and heard The cars of battle and his own name cried; And fought with the invulnerable tide.

Women always feel like they're being stared at and judged and rightfully so.

My step-mom would tell me that she would get complaints from adults that I stared too much at them.

The violence seems to be diminishing. They've stared into the abyss a bit. I think they've all concluded that further violence... is not in their interests.

For me in some ways my whole life is a bit performative and always has been - because I'm stared at and looked at everywhere I go.

And for an instant she stared directly into those soft blue eyes and knew with an instinctive mammalian certainty that the exceedingly rich were no longer even remotely human.

First time I looked at a Formula One car in person I just stared at the cockpit figuring I'd never get in there. The drivers wear the whole car like a tight-fitting suit.

A traveller on foot in this country seems to be considered as a sort of wild man or out-of-the way being who is stared at pitied suspected and shunned by everybody that meets him.

Of the seven experiments the ones that have been most investigated so far have been the pets. The dogs who know when their masters for coming home and the sense of being stared at.

The path that went by the little house had become a road. Almost every day Laura and Mary stopped their playing and stared in surprise at a wagon slowly creaking by on that road.

I don't dress to be stared at. I dress for myself.

Gussie a glutton for punishment stared at himself in the mirror.

It upsets women to be or not to be stared at hungrily.

She stared at him horrified. And thrilled. And horrified at being thrilled.

And the Prince stared at her like a man out of his wits.

He stared at his hot chocolate like it held the secret to the universe.

I stared up at the Erlking and with my typical pithy brilliance said "Uh-oh.

Rick stared at him. "Your brother is an alien." "Yeah but he's a cute one.

The Press blew the public stared hands flew out like a million little fishes after bread.

He stared at the heart of his heart the one woman in the world for him

Fiction poetry music...these are the places (for me) where loneliness is countenanced stared down transfigured treated.

She could've stared into those eyes for a thousand years and never noticed the time passing by.

Armon stared into the wild darkness of his opponent and saw a reflection of his own fall.

It stared at them and it paused for a hundred years which transpired in a dozen heart beats.

Jamal stared at the dog in his arms. "Why I am I holding a dog full of angels?

You might be a redneck if you've ever stared at a can of orange juice because it said concentrate.

If you've just stared into the abyss quickly forget it: the lessons of history can only hold you back.

He stared at his feet. "I'm still very ignorant " he said "but at least I'm ignorant about really important things.

Rafael the Rat King stared at the carnage with black-button eyes. "She is dead." "Ding dong the witch is dead

I stared at him (Dionysus). "You''re married? But I thought you got in trouble for chasing a wood nymph-

She stared at him"You'd be willing to change your life so dramatically?""Ray and Stella Quinn changed my life.

Flea stared at us "I can't decide what's worse. Losing family members or not having a family member to lose.

For a moment she just stared wondering if there were another girl staying here or if Sebastian had taken to cross-dressing.

Her hand rose to her lips and she stared up at the stars feeling her heart grow and grow and grow.

[He stared into the camera] like some sort of an animal gazing from across the back of its sty. (On Winston Churchill)

Jane leaned back against the counter and stared at the ceiling. At the traditional location of God no matter what the planet.

You need something " he said and when I stared at him he added "Your face.""My face?""It's in need of my kisses.

He stared at me with bitter understanding. We both knew there was no room in this for friendship. Nothing left but childhood history.

I stared up at the sky and raised my middle finger just in case God was watching. I don't like being spied on.

We'd stared into the face of Death and Death blinked first. You'd think that would make us feel brave and invincible. It didn't.

Any moment now..." The girl [Calypso] stared out at the water. No magical raft appeared. "Maybe it got stuck in a traffic " Leo said.

Richard opened his hand and the key stared up at him from his palm. "By my crooked teeth " asked Richard remembering "who am I?

Nice girl who knew cars. Wow. I stared at her face harder wishing I knew how to make it work. C'mon Jake "? imprint already.

I stared at myself in the mirror. Okay just ugh. I had to get some sleep tonight - the bags under my eyes had bags.

Iona stared at me for a long time. You are going to leave me a widow before I have a chance to become a bride.

I stared at the enormous homes the landscaping and flower beds immaculate. It was as if dollar bills instead of leaves hung from the trees.

With blinded eyes I stared at the sky this grey endless sky of a crazy god who had made life and death for his amusement.

Dave hung up. And unplugged the phone. With a fierce and bitter pain he stared at it watching how over and over again it didn't ring.

What? You don't think he's cute?" "I didn't really notice." "How can you not notice when a guy is cute?" Melody stared at her in disbelief.

Rhysand stared at me for long enough that I faced him.Be glad of your human heart Feyre. Pity those who don't feel anything at all.

It isn't about being fair and equal. It's about the difference between right and wrong. He stared out at the bloody Elinarch. And this was wrong.

From the depths of the mirror a corpse gazed back at me. The look in his eyes as they stared into mine has never left me.

The beaver told the rabbit as they stared at the Hoover Dam: No I didn't build it myself but it's based on an idea of mine

Mike drank straight from the carton wiped his mouth and stared at her. "You've been acting freaky. Are you high? Can I have some if you are?

He stared up at the stars: and it seemed to him then that they were dancers stately and graceful performing a dance almost infinite in its complexity.

The marquis stared at Richard openly amused. "What a refreshing mind you have young man " he said. "There really is nothing quite like total ignorance is there?

As he stared into the ocean he must have tossed a lifetime of apologies into its silence. Maybe he thought the tide would wash his troubles away.

Especially since I stared studying acting I feel like I'm always super-aware of my emotions and my feelings and what's going on with me at every moment.

The world like a great iris of an even more gigantic eye which has also just opened and stretched out to encompass everything stared back at him.

The Martians were there"?in the canal"?reflected in the water.... The Martians stared back up at them for a long long silent time from the rippling water....

I looked in the mirror and stared at my reflection until I was in the head-clearing trance that comes when you stare at something for a long time.

Besides your a cat.Its your nature to think your the center of the universe."She stared at him blankly. "But I am the center of the universe.

She stared at him in that vapid intoxicated way employed only by women under a vamp's control. Or the way I sometimes got when faced with cupcakes. Mmm. Cupcakes.

Are you OK? I asked.I think so. Logan stared at me and a smile pulled up his lipsBut maybe you should give me mouth-to-mouth just to make sure.

I stared hard trying to find a pattern. Thinking if I kept looking hard enough maybe the pieces of the world would fit back together into something I could understand.

His hands reached for me gripping my hipbones and pulling me forward. he stared down at me his voice low. "There are some things I will make time for Jacqueline.

Needle in a haystack's easy - just bring a magnet."Eliot stared witheringly at Hardison. "You take the poetry out of everything.""Says the man who'd just punch the haystack.

A set of huge marble busts stared smugly down from on high: great merchants and financiers of Styrian history by the look of them. Criminals made heroes by colossal success.

I stared at him unable to believe this was happening. That he could just disappear along with everything rich and strange heâ??d brought into my life. Vanished like magic.

Henry closed his eyes and imagined the sweet petulant woundedness with which she had stared at him on the beach. He felt a little proud that she could love him.

Just go with it. It won't hurt.' I stared at him. Adults only ever said that when it whatever it happened to be was going to hurt so much.

May I search it?" she asked. "We screen for weapons." I stared at her always a risky thing to do to a vampire. "Of course not. I have no weapons.

Are you OK?" I asked. "I think so." Logan stared at me and a smile pulled up his lips. "But maybe you should give me mouth-to-mouth just to make sure.

She stared at me with concern a few moments longer and then relaxed a little. "Okay. But if you need anything"?" "I know I know. Call on the Love Phone.

... the decades looked on and didn't notice her passing. They stared from their fixed mounts across at each other and didn't see revolution striding between them on her way to destiny.

Do you recall Fred Merriville?" She stared at him. "Fred Merriville? Pray what has he to say to anything?" "The poor fellow has nothing to say: he's dead alas!

Without a wish without a will I stood upon that silent hill And stared into the sky until My eyes were blind with stars and still I stared into the sky.

The vamp in McMann's stared at me. I guess he didn't like the Goth look. Most of them don't; somehow they think I'm making fun of them. Which I totally am.

The toughest thing for me was growing up and being stared at and being looked at and being talked about in that particular way. Other than that it was a good childhood.

Vane passed the mashed potatoes across Bride to Fury who stared at them with a fierce frown "What are these?" he asked. "Potatoes " Vane told him. "What did they do to them?

He stared dully at the desolate cold road and the pale dead night. Nothing was colder or more dead than his heart. He had loved an angel and now he despised a woman.

When Rydstrom shut the door Cade stared at it for long moments.At length he turned for the stepsFuckall he said on a stunned breathDoes this mean I'm no longer the bad brother...?

Livia stood and looked out the window. Her own eyes stared back at her"We need to pray. Cole say some prayers for us. Please. Healing prayers." Livia kept her eyes on her reflection.

His cold eyes stared at me. At last he said wearily: "I have more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He alone has kept his promises all his promises to the Jewish people.

What would you do if I kissed you right now?"I stared at his beautiful face and his beautiful mouth and I wanted nothing more than to taste it. "I would kiss you back.

We have to figure this out Jackson so leash the lust.â? His chin went up as he stared down at her. â??Woman you ask the impossible.â? â??Do it anyway!

She was crazy but he needed her. Oh I am in so much trouble he thought and stared blindly up at the ceiling as the droplets of sweat began to gather on his forehead again.

What's the deal with the hair?" Curran tore his gaze from the book and grimaced. "Grows every flare. Can't help it." We stared at each other. "Waiting for the Fabio joke " he said.

But you love her.â? Will stared at him. â??Of course I do â? he said finally. â??I had come to think I would never love anyone but I love her.

I stared at her closely studying her face her eyes everything. This was the angel that tamed a demon; the soul that trapped him and held him with a power he'd never felt before. Love.

I sighed and stared off without any particular focus. "I miss him so much." "I'm sorry " she said. "Will it ever get better?" The question seemed to catch her by surprise. "I...I don't know.