Questions About Life Quotes

My interest in philosophy began as early as eight years old - I started thinking about those kinds of heavy questions about life and humanity.

I've never worried about life's big questions.

Your background and environment is with you for life. No question about that.

The secret of having a personal life is not answering too many questions about it.

When people ask me silly questions about my private life I just say I don't discuss that.

Wellbeing is a notion that entails our values about the good life and questions of values are not ultimately scientific questions.

I think Poe had a mission to tell us what it's all about. To answer some of the great questions of life.

For celebrities privacy is utterly nonexistent. You are asked intrusive questions about your personal life. You can be photographed at any moment.

Ridley Scott's 'Prometheus' is a magnificent science-fiction film all the more intriguing because it raises questions about the origin of human life and doesn't have the answers.

You can always find stress in someone's life if you want to. You ask a few questions and eventually it's 'Yes I admit I was worried about something recently.'

So I think ethics is the broader thing that's less focused on prohibitions and is more perhaps looking at principles and questions and ideas about how to live your life.

I think it's really important for your mental health to think about the big questions to discuss them and open your mind in order to prepare you for both life and death.

I've reached the 50th year of my life and now every question related with life also includes thinking about death. When I leave I want to leave to my offspring a clear idea about identity.

Speaking personally I didn't think 40 would be a big issue and I don't think I have issues about age but there are naturally some big questions that come up at that point in your life.

I don't know why his lawyers didn't tell him 'You don't have to answer any questions about your private life Mr. President. Let them sue you. Take the heat. You don't have to answer.'

I grew up in this business... A lot of my life has been centered around this question about how NASA is helping us to understand our own home planet... and to understand our place in the universe.

We have always learned about life by dramatising our questions.

Life is not about good answers it is about interesting questions.

Enjoying life isn't about finding the answers but living the questions.

I love writing stories about regular people dealing with life's biggest questions.

Don't bother asking God for answers about life. Most likely you're asking the wrong questions.

The whole idea of interviews is in itself absurd - one cannot answer deep questions about what one's life was like - one writes novels about it.

Through the ages man's main concern was life after death. Today for the first time we find we must ask questions about whether there will be life before death.

Fantasy and science fiction stories are very applicable to talking to your children about the world. They tend to talk about the big questions regarding life and the universe.