Outside Quotes

If you put yourself in a position where you have to stretch outside your comfort zone then you are forced to expand your consciousness.

Remember even though the outside world might be raining if you keep on smiling the sun will soon show its face and smile back at you.

I realize everybody wants what they don't have. But at the end of the day what you have inside is much more beautiful than what's on the outside!

That human behavior is more influenced by things outside of us than inside. The 'situation' is the external environment. The inner environment is genes moral history religious training.

Get outside. Watch the sunrise. Watch the sunset. How does that make you feel? Does it make you feel big or tiny? Because there's something good about feeling both.

Those outside the church expect followers of Christ to live differently yet today many in church are chasing after the world - not to win them but to be like them.

I like to put on hardcore when I have to clean my apartment which I hate to do but it's motivational. I like old heavy metal when I'm outside working on my car. Music has definite functions for me.