Natural Tendency Quotes

Social interactions have always been a bit of a difficult thing for me. I think I have a natural tendency to make people not 100 percent super comfortable.

Education can counteract the natural tendency to do the wrong thing but the inexorable succession of generations requires that the basis for this knowledge be constantly refreshed.

When a patient does get an organ from another person it comes from a different body. It has different properties and a person's natural tendency is to reject that organ.

It's tricky performing the show live. Because when you're in a big auditorium in front of 700 people the natural tendency is to want to talk louder. You want to project.

I seem to have a natural tendency to want to share my own observations and feelings with other people and writing seems to be the way I'm best equipped to do that.

You have a natural tendency to want an emotionally satisfying tale - and to make investments based on that - despite times when the actual data may be telling you something different.

If it had remained always my band my natural tendency would have been to get more complex and arrange things more and more. That wouldn't necessarily be good for Eddie or anyone else in the band.

People have a natural tendency to flee to the mountains when things get tough.

Instruments of coercion once created have a tendency to find their own natural masters.

Dictators have always played on the natural human tendency to blame others and to oversimplify.

A schizophrenic is a person who already has a natural tendency to absent himself from this world.

The tendency for politicians to claim credit for favorable news is as natural as flatulence in cows.

While the tendency to generate ideas is rather natural the path to making them happen is tumultuous.

I have a natural tendency to go away when told to do so. Do you really want me to?

What is instinct? It is the natural tendency in one when filled with dismay to turn to his wife.

The natural tendency of government once in charge of money is to inflate and to destroy the value of the currency.

There is nothing wrong with trying to exploit the natural human tendency to become impatient when forced to play a boring position.

I think Donald Trump's natural tendency in all things is to resist any "deal" where he doesn't get to set the terms.

Our natural tendency is to project onto other people our own belief and value systems in ways in which we are not even aware.

God has implanted a natural tendency to the monarchial form of government not only in the hearts of men but in practically all things.

The natural tendency of all human behavior is toward the path of least resistance. When you resist this tendency you become stronger and more powerful.

My natural tendency is to complicate everything--and then to spray words and ideas onto everything afterwards. I've had to develop the habit of keeping things simple.

I think it is a very natural tendency for the nations to increase their influence in the international space as they pursue their international relations with different countries.

When you know that someone close to you is going to die there's a natural tendency to want to spend as much time with them as you can.

The natural tendency of every government is to grow steadily worse-that is to grow more satisfactory to those who constitute it and less satisfactory to those who support it.

When a patient does get an organ from another person it comes from a different body. It has different properties and a persons natural tendency is to reject that organ.

There's a natural tendency to sanitize and polish any historical icon whether it be George Washington chopping down the cherry tree or Martin Luther King saying "I have a dream.

People have a natural tendency to read emotions out of faces so when you see a face that is hyperreal but without the life behind the eyes it's really off-putting and intriguing.

Bureaucracies have a natural tendency not to cooperate coordinate or consolidate with each other. They won't cooperate with each other - unless they are forced to do so by political level authority.

I have made tremendous efforts to work in a darker register and express the sinister and tragic quality of the place given my natural tendency to work in light and pale tones.

Indeed the general natural Tendency of Reading good History must be to fix in the Minds of Youth deep Impressions of the Beauty and Usefulness of Virtue of all Kinds Publick Spirit Fortitude.

Smoking too much makes me nervous. Must lasso my natural tendency to acquire such habits. Holding heavy cigar constantly in my mouth has deformed my upper lip it has a sort of Havana curl.