Mitigate Quotes

I seek as much as I can to mitigate risk.

One way to mitigate our risk is to invest in companies with understandable business models.

I can't solve the poverty problem but there are things you can do to mitigate its effects on kids.

Larger deficits are necessary and proper means to mitigate unemployment as the far greater evil in terms of human welfare.

To rejoice in another's prosperity is to give content to your lot; to mitigate another's grief is to alleviate or dispel your own

I think malware is a significant threat because the mitigation like antivirus software hasn't evolved to a point to really mitigate the risk to a reasonable degree.

You can never protect yourself 100%. What you do is protect yourself as much as possible and mitigate risk to an acceptable degree. You can never remove all risk.

What becomes fascinating is the way the culture industry doesn't deny it and doesn't try to mitigate it but tries to sell its products as a way of liberating oneself.

Everyone seems to be playing well within the boundaries of his usual rule set. I have yet to hear anyone say something that seemed likely to mitigate the idiocy of this age.

The pilot cannot mitigate the billows or calm the winds.

It is critical vision alone which can mitigate the unimpeded operation of the automatic.

Reason cannot save us nothing can; but reason can mitigate the cruelty of living.

Tis long ere time can mitigate your grief; To wisdom fly she quickly brings relief.

I cant solve the poverty problem but there are things you can do to mitigate its effects on kids.

We have genuflected before the god of science only to find that it has given us the atomic bomb producing fears and anxieties that science can never mitigate.

There have been times in my life when I have felt I was lonely but I don't think you want to live your life in order to mitigate against loneliness.

I would like the government to do all it can to mitigate then in understanding in mutuality of interest in concern for the common good our tasks will be solved.

We the people so to speak need to realize that if we can keep ourselves fed we might get through this long dark tunnel of power down and mitigate the consequences of CO2.

There's a hurricane coming to Florida and there will be high winds. I should probably turn off my ceiling fans to try to mitigate the billions of dollars in damages the storm will incur.