Miss Marple Quotes

Everybody is very much alike really. But fortunately perhaps they don't realise it. - Miss Marple

One does see so much evil in a village ' murmured Miss Marple in an explanatory voice.

If I were at any time to set out on a career of deceit it would be of Miss Marple that I should be afraid.

Just as you can accept Miss Marple going to tea with the vicar there's no reason why Long Island can't have a universality to it.

Miss Marple believes in justice and has very high standards. There is nothing you could say or do that would shock her.

I feel I could be walking down the street and if somebody talked to me I could just slot into 'Miss Marple' and know how she would react.

I thought I was the wrong shape: that Miss Marple would be much fluffier than me much more wearing shawls and things. But I was persuaded and now well - I can only do it my way.