Looking Through Quotes

Temptation is the devil looking through the keyhole. Yielding is opening the door and inviting him in.

What I aspire to is to have the viewer look directly at the subject as if they're looking through a window at the real thing.

Without looking through the window you can see Heaven's Way.

Your trash can is full of energy bar wrappers." "You were looking through my trash?

Death is a commingling of eternity with time; in the death of a good man eternity is seen looking through time.

Music was my way of keeping people from looking through and around me. I wanted the heavies to know I was around.

Sometimes I photograph without looking through the viewfinder. I have mastered that well enough it is almost as if I were looking through it.

Consider the difference between the first and third person in poetry [...] It's like the difference between looking at a person and looking through their eyes.

The NSA is not looking through people's address books and Visa bills and violating the rights of average citizens. That's not what the NSA does.

The digital process gives me total control over how I want the film to look. The films look like they did when I was first looking through the viewfinder.

. . . crazy world or maybe it's just the view we have of it looking through a crack in the door never being able to see the whole room the whole picture.

Affection like melancholy magnifies trifles; but the magnifying of the one is like looking through a telescope at heavenly objects; that of the other like enlarging monsters with a microscope.

North Korea is now threatening the United States with all-out war. You can see they're stepping it up. In fact they released 10 more photos of Kim Jong Un looking through binoculars.

The eye of God is inside us. It's looking through us and it sees whatever we look at. Sometimes I think we could give God better things to look at don't you?

All the eyes of God are looking through all the stars or looking at the stars through our eyes. There's only the eye of God everywhere seeing and being in perfection always.

For me looking at small images somehow recreates the experience of looking through a viewfinder.... At this size they're edible. You don't just scan them. You take them in all at once.

I remember looking through magazines or watching movies even just a couple of years ago and being like 'I really want to be part of that ' but not realizing what that was.

I got these big coffee table books about Chinese opera from the local library and I loved looking through them. I loved studying the intricate costumes and figuring out how to 'cartoonify' them.

In fact my entire childhood consisted of looking at photographs in which the viewer sees the ball behind the line looking through the goal net and the poor goalkeeper in front of the net.

Sometimes when looking through my pile of drawings I find an image that... awakens in me a passionate desire to inhabit it as though I were to feel more at home in it than in myself.

When you're looking through a magazine what makes you stop and think is when you see an image and imagine the narrative that is going on inside of it. Those are the ones I make into paintings.

I was looking through a newspaper and it was an audition for 'Kids Say the Darndest Things ' so I tried out. One thing led to another and I appeared on 'The Rosie O'Donnell Show' and 'Oprah.

I don't think it is worth trying to look 10 years younger through surgery.

I breeze through Twitter - I look at the mentions the pictures the videos.

Compassion enables you to reach to the heavens and look through the heart of God.

I mean look how many musicians have come through and played beside me and I'm workin' and they're not.

She's an idiot. She's looking at life through a selfish lusty haze.

Sometimes when we aren't looking the holiness comes breaking through like a rainbow.

I'm not looking for peace on earth though through a political solution. I'm a pastor.

You go through stages where you wonder whether you are Christ or just looking for him.

if you go through life looking for insults you may be comfortably assured of finding them.

A defensive investor can always prosper by looking patiently and calmly through the wreckage of a bear market.

Looking through the viewfinder for me is like being in a movie theater. That's what I like about it.

I'm one of those people who snake through the crowd keep my head low. I'm not looking for attention.

The miraculous power of the healing we create through crisis can be as stunning as looking at the sun.

I've always thought I was looking for myself whenever I traveled. Like a journey anywhere was really a journey through myself.

Why am I seeking? I am the same as he. His essence speaks through me. I have been looking for myself

Maybe this year we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives not looking for flaws but looking for potential.

Transparency is not the same as looking straight through a building: it's not just a physical idea it's also an intellectual one.

If a person continues to see giants it means he is still looking at the world through the eyes of a child.

From heart to hearta heartbeat staggers looking for a haven.Bereft. It is easier to enter heaventhan to pass through each others' eyes

Any business that is looking for new customers needs to understand the Internet and how to market their goods or services through it.

I guess I kind of lived in a fairytale world... looking at everything through rose-colored glasses. I probably always will to a certain extent.

Looking at everything through your phone is only numbing your perception - it does not really enhance your experience of life in any way.

As a rule we go about with masks we go about looking honest and we are able to conceal ourselves all through the day.

Sometimes a good idea comes to you when you are not looking for it. Through an improbable combination of coincidence naivete and lucky mistakes ...

There are times when I get through the day by looking around the office and thinking 'My God aren't the natives here strange.'

Jobs are critically important but looking at economic change through the impact on jobs has always been a difficult way to think about economic progress.

I want to show people my appeal through my simplicity rather than being 'I'm good looking; I know how to dress' that kind of way.

God is not looking for extraordinary characters as His instruments but He is looking for humble instruments through whom He can be honored throughout the ages.

Truth is first felt in the heart before the mind. Those who try looking for truth through the mind before the heart will never find Truth.

A myth is a fixed way of looking at the world which cannot be destroyed because looked at through the myth all evidence supports the myth.

It's through curiosity and looking at opportunities in new ways that we've always mapped our path at Dell. There's always an opportunity to make a difference.

Looking through the eyes of the divine nature you see the essence within the manifestation the creator within the creation and it is a wonderful wonderful world!

Just looking at Onex: We hire almost entirely at the most bottom level and bring them through a nine-year training program. We're probably 70/30 today not requiring an MBA.

Okay I cannot say this without being very direct. If you are looking for a spouse or even a romance through social media you are looking for trouble.

Lead generation excels when a campaign is looking to capture a piece of factual intelligence that could never be modelled or predicted through profiling and sophisticated propensity algorithms.

I like a decent funeral and God knows in my family we've seen enough of them. Looking through family photographs now is like watching an episode of 'Dad's Army.'

Looking through family photographs now is like watching an episode of 'Dad's Army.' My relatives seem to drop like flies around me. Who's next? Will it be someone I can't stand?