Looking Professional Quotes

It is obvious that the Internet has become such a video-driven entity. With broadband becoming ubiquitous viewers and advertisers are looking for professional-quality videos.

Being with a woman all night never hurt no professional baseball player. It's staying up all night looking for a woman that does him in.

It's incorrect to assume you can be a fashion editor because you blog if you don't have experience to look at fashion in a professional way.

I always played hockey I was always a hockey fan but I was never bitten by the hockey bug... I never looked into playing it professionally.

Where I come from out in the suburbs I didn't know anyone who was a professional actor. And girls that looked like me? No girls like that were on TV.

The beauty comes with the balance. Everyone should find his own balance in his personal as well as his professional life. Once you do so you will feel and look beautiful.

Judgment is very easy but I think on the whole professional critics maybe see too much and compare too much and forget the joy of actually looking and contemplating for its own sake.

So the whole of war when you look at it is probably run by professional soldiers and the rest of them are just recruits or people who are just forced to join the army.

You can look at everything from pre-Heisman to post-Heisman and I think that's why it ranks up at the top because before then I didn't even think I was good enough to be a professional ballplayer.

The way I dress I dress totally different than I did when I was in college. I have to - try to - look professional. You change a lot when you are in the NBA but I know where I came from.

As a professional journalist I am always looking for new ways to get paid for being motionless.