Life Is Wonderful Quotes

To me everything is wonderful. Life is wonderful.

Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale.

On the whole my life is and has been wonderful.

Television is what made It's a Wonderful Life the classic it is today.

I don't think anyone's life is totally wonderful however it looks from outside.

I have always knocked at the door of that wonderful and terrible enigma which is life.

I would just love to do 'It's a Wonderful Life.' I think that movie is fantastic.

You're only human. You live once and life is wonderful so eat the damned red velvet cupcake.

In everyday life my wife is the most wonderful. We're in love with each other beyond belief.

My idea of serenity - that wonderful word that everybody's trying to get into their life - is call-waiting.

Devotion as an act is vulgar. Devotion as a way of life is wonderful. If you are a great devotee it is ugly. If you are devout it is beautiful.

Wonderful souls make life wonderful.

Ive had the most wonderful life.

Life didn't promise to be wonderful.

Tell them I've had a wonderful life.

I've had a wonderful life with music

Nothing is life is more wonderful than faith.

Live the wonderful life that is in you.

It's a wonderful life if you can find it.

How wonderful life is while you're in the world

Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful.

Children are wonderful and they add to my whole life.

Freedom is the foundation for all wonderful things in life.

Your reactions are the key to having a wonderful life.

The most wonderful opportunity which life offers is to be human.

I have a lot of wonderful things happening in my life.

I can only say that I have had a wonderful life.

Life and work are the most wonderful things a man can have.

Life is about taking what's given to us and creating something wonderful.

The academic life is wonderful. That's why people love to do research.

Life is so extraordinary. Wonderful surprises are just around the most unexpected corners.

Tennis has given me this wonderful life and I'm very grateful for it.

What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner.

The key to a wonderful life is to never stop wandering into wonder.

I just had a wonderful life and I couldn't ask for anything else.

I realize how fortunate I have been; mine has been a wonderful life.

Live life because when you stop and look around you see a wonderful world.

If you produce one book you will have done something wonderful in your life.

The band was rejuvenated by that wonderful day. It breathed new life into us.

Life would be so wonderful if we only knew what to do with it.

The children's book world has given me wonderful friendships and an unbelievably rich life.

But maybe every life looked wonderful if all you saw was the photo albums.

My life has been wonderful. Everybody has to be a little lucky I think.

I simply cannot get over what a surprising and wonderful life God has given me

Dear God thank you for my life. I forgot how big and wonderful it is.

The wonderful things in life are the things you do not the things you have.

Once you have had a wonderful dog a life without one is a life diminished.

A person who has never owned a dog has missed a wonderful part of life.

I have a very rich and wonderful personal life and at its core are my sons.

My life has never been wonderful. Maybe when I was a child but not after age 15.

Every aspect of life is magnificent and wonderful. It's so important to keep fit and healthy.

Wickedness frames the engines of her own torment. She is a wonderful artisan of a miserable life.

How could you have had such a wonderful life as me if there wasn't a God directing?

I want to show the world that there is life surprising wonderful and unexpected life...after diagnosis

Every single person has a life to live a work to do a glorious personality a wonderful individuality.

Instead of telling them God has a wonderful plan for their life - tell them who God is.

All you have to do in life is be passionate and enthusiastic and you will have a wonderful life.

If there are no other wonderful roles that come my way I have a quite an interesting dynamic life.

Of course of course I'm grateful. How can I not be grateful? I have been afforded such a wonderful life.

Not many young women of my age have been lucky enough to have had a wonderful mentor in their life.

It was the living who ignored the strange and wonderful because life was too full of the boring and mundane.

Social change involves helping people see new options for making life wonderful that are less costly to get needs met.

I think it should be ambitious and good music does deal with life and art and all these wonderful things.

Rose Adams is a wonderful Christian woman who cared for my mother Morrow Coffey Graham in her last years of life.

Let grammar punctuation and spelling into your life! Even the most energetic and wonderful mess has to be turned into sentences.

Evan Handler's new book is simply wonderful. He pulls you inside his life and you come out his very close friend.

I think death is the most wonderful invention of life. It purges the system of these old models that are obsolete.

It would be wonderful if this world was guided by little children because they are closer to life than anyone else.

I feel as though my life is bathed in golden sunlight. And the really wonderful thing is that I know it.

I have a lot of wonderful people in my life - probably five collectively - who I can tell everything to.

It's a wonderful world. You can't go backwards. You're always moving forward. It's the wonderful part about life. And that's terrific.

It is wonderful to say that your days behind a school desk are over. It's just another phase in your life.

I am happy with my past my present and my future. All three are miraculous building blocks of my beloved wonderful life.

There's no life without humour. It can make the wonderful moments of life truly glorious and it can make tragic moments bearable.

I think something wonderful is going to happen to me. Maybe tomorrow. The phone can ring and your whole life can change.

The life is a wonderful thing. You have to appreciate it NOW... because you never know what is going to happen tomorrow.

One of the wonderful things about Internet is it's like a salon. It brings people together from different intellectual walks of life.

If you spend your life thinking "I wonder if today is when it ends " you're going to miss out on everything wonderful.

At Christmas 'It's a Wonderful Life' makes me cry in exactly the same places every time even though I know it's coming.

One of the wonderful things about Internet is its like a salon. It brings people together from different intellectual walks of life.

I love life and people so I guess I want to help anyone I can live the fullest most wonderful life possible.

When I sit down at my writing desk time seems to vanish. I think it's a wonderful way to spend one's life.

Having a baby is one of the most wonderful things in your life as well as the hardest thing in your life.

My house was really like 'It's a Wonderful Life.' I sang in the choir and was very involved in the church.

Something Good' is a feel-good song. A reminder that you're dope and have something wonderful to offer life and yourself and the world.

A lot of my life happened in great wonderful bursts of good fortune and then I would race to be worthy of it.

Genuine spiritual knowledge lies not in wonderful and mysterious thoughts but in actual spiritual experience through union of the believer's life with truth.

All my life I have been restless-- I have felt there is something more wonderful than gloss-- than wholeness-- than staying at home.

It's horrible getting older. I mean it's wonderful because you see the circles of life get completed. But it's horrible losing your looks.

I don't need that much to live - we don't need that much to have a wonderful life. I learned that from animals.

SHE Is A Wonderful Romantic Poem With Billions of Lines. Even If I Could I Wouldn't Finish Reading HER In My Entire Life....

My mother and my father were very nurturing and wonderful examples of how to live your life. I really had a cool foundation.

I hope you don't mind I hope you don't mind that I put into words how wonderful life is now you're in the world.

Our lives are filled with meeting wonderful people. Make sure those that have become a part of your life hear your words of appreciation.

That was such a wonderful time even in its strangeness and sadness-and life isn't the same now. It's wonderful but it isn't the same.

It's a wonderful thing to have life and to look at all this creation and say thank you. I even say it on stage.

Trains are wonderful.... To travel by train is to see nature and human beings towns and churches and rivers in fact to see life.

Where will I be five years from now? I delight in not knowing. That's one of the greatest things about life its wonderful surprises.

We know life is futile. A man who considers that his life is of very wonderful importance is awfully close to a padded cell.

You never know how diverse your career can be. I think it's wonderful. My life has always been the next page not the last page.

Belief in yourself comes from a positive attitude that sees life as worth living and that you have a wonderful part to play in it.

The wise individual doesn't get too attached to any of life's pleasures knowing that wonderful science is hard at work proving it's bad for him.

Live! Live the wonderful life that is in you! Let nothing be lost upon you. Be always searching for new sensations. Be afraid of nothing.

I do think that what's wonderful in life is that we gain perspective as we take on different roles that are mind and heart opening.

Sometimes we are so attached to our way of life that we turn down wonderful opportunities simply because don't know what to do with it.

I understand your higher and lower tendencies. There is something beyond all of this nonsense. There is a wonderful glitter that you can follow in life.

(Some people) have a wonderful capacity to appreciate again and again freshly and naively the basic goods of life with awe pleasure wonder and even ecstasy.

One can't change one's life experience but even if I could I wouldn't change it because of all the wonderful things that have happened to me.

My professional life has been a constant record of disillusion and many things that seem wonderful to most men are the every-day commonplaces of my business.

Of all the things I have been privileged to do and experience in life the highest honor has been fatherhood. Wishing Fathers everywhere a wonderful day.

I've been working so hard for the past eight years and I'm tired - but I'm also deliciously tired because what a wonderful life I've lived.

Life is a wonderful thing to talk about or to read about in history books - but it is terrible when one has to live it.

For me what's wonderful for me at this stage of my life is that I get to work with people I've admired for a long time.

As I matriculate my way down the field of life I will never forget this moment and you wonderful people who helped make this day possible.

I feel better about my life every day. My kids get older. My life is very rich and full of wonderful things. I've been very lucky careerwise.

It's not that we're trying to avoid death; we're trying to enjoy our lives fully to wring every wonderful drop out of life that we possibly can.

If we seek first the Kingdom of God and live as we should all the rest of life seems to fall into place and wonderful things happen.

To live a wonderful life create more buy less hug more scold less give more take less forgive more worry less and be grateful everyday for life.

What a strange life I lead- a kind of Cinderella-life-half glitter in crystal shoes half mice and cinders! But it is a wonderful life all the same.

I have had someone wonderful things happen to me during my career and lifetime. Of course personally the birth of my daughter is the highlight of my life.

Life has played some funny tricks on me and taken me on a wild ride. How did I ever get into this wonderful mess that is my life?

When you come across someone colorful and vibrant maybe in the present it isn't so interesting but in the past it sheds a wonderful light onto living life.

A holy life is in itself a wonderful power and will make up for many deficiencies; it is in fact the best sermon a man can ever deliver.

Athletics: it's a wonderful thing it's a spell-binding thing nothing in life has quite as much pageantry as much emotion within a finite time frame it's incredibly exciting.

It took awhile for me to get used to speaking candidly about my own life. I got into it and it turned out to be a wonderful experience.

I'm cancer-free. And I'm on antioxidants and acupuncture and a different diet. And I have a different outlook on life. I don't have resentment any more. It's wonderful.

I don't play accurately--any one can play accurately--but I play with wonderful expression. As far as the piano is concerned sentiment is my forte. I keep science for Life.

Nurturing a child's sense of personal worth and therefore hope and dreams for a wonderful future is perhaps the most important responsibility of every grownup in a child's life.

There is a wonderful expression: seeing through a glass darkly. Everything even life is inevitably removed from you. You can't reach or touch the real. You just see reflections

I have had the opportunity to become acquainted with many wonderful people from many walks of life. I have known rich and poor famous and modest wise and otherwise.

Some of Jimmy Stewart's performance in 'It's A Wonderful Life' is some of the most disturbing performance he ever did when he falls apart and when he breaks down.

I thought I need to reinvent myself. I want every day of life to be wonderful fascinating interesting creative. And what am I gonna do to make that happen?

Iâ??m a happy fellow. I feel very privileged lucky that I have had a wonderful life. And that I have been always allowed to do what I love