Left Hand Quotes

I feel that I am a scholar who only with the left hand writes novels.

I have a heart tattoo on the inside of my middle finger on my left hand.

If civilization had been left in female hands we would still be living in grass huts.

War: First day in the U.S. Army the government placed a Bible in my left hand a bayonet in the other.

I didn't know Albert back then - I just learned to play that way. He and I were the only guys that played left-handed. Then left-handed people came from every direction.

I'm right-handed and the police report said I was jerking off with my left hand. That would have been the end of the case right there proof it couldn't have been me.

Satanism is not a white light religion; it is a religion of the flesh the mundane the carnal - all of which are ruled by Satan the personification of the Left Hand Path.

It is yin and yang. Light is the left hand of darkness ... how did it go? Light dark. Fear courage. Cold warmth. Female male. It is yourself ... both and one. A shadow on snow.

Light is the left hand of darkness and darkness the right hand of light. Two are one life and death lying together like lovers in kemmer like hands joined together like the end and the way.

Looking down on it from the helicopter with a bottle of Jack in my left hand a bag of pills in my right hand and a blond head bobbing up and doen in my lap I felt like the king of the world.

I switched to painting with my left hand to be in better company.

I could have killed Gregory Fitzhurst at three hundred feet with my left hand.

It wasn't for nothing that the raven was just now croaking on my left hand.

We've made our decisions We've taken our choices What's left is only a hand-full of emotions.

North Dakota State. What do you have to do there to graduate? Milk a cow with your left hand?

Everyone has left me except my muse that good nurse. She stays in my hand a mild white mouse.

And that's when I snapped up my left hand and smashed him in the face with the hammer I'd grabbed.

I have all the rhythm in my left hand and I use the rhythms that Gene Krupa did on his drums.

Mister hit Josephine with the palm of his hand across her left cheek and it was then she knew she would run.

The palm of his hand was a dull red. Not a good sign.I jerk off left-handed he thought at least that's something.

Fred Davis the doyen of snooker now 67 years of age and too old to get his leg over prefers to use his left hand.

This manner of writing wherein knowing myself inferior to myself? I have the use as I may account it but of my left hand.

If you are drawn to the left hand path it's usually because you've had some kind of life experience that has shocked you awakened you.

Harry guess what?" said Tonks from her perch on top of the washing machine and she wiggled her left hand at him; a ring glittered there.

You have a wound too Papa." Hanna took Brigan's left hand which was wrapped in a bandage and inspected it. "Did you throw the first punch?

On the left hand path we take the direct route which is much more strenuous much more dangerous and much more likely to cause you to fall.

The left-hand path adept seeks to liberate him/herself from passive subjection to the illusory nature of Maya thus freeing the consciousness from the binds of self-created delusion.

Doorman - a genius who can open the door of your car with one hand help you in with the other and still have one left for the tip.

Just as the right hand comes to dress the wound on the left hand we should see another person's sorrows as our own and come to his or her aid.

If you think about Protestant and Catholic or Shiite and Sunni they are basically the same thing... one eats with their left hand the other eats with their right hand.

I always wanted to be ambidextrous ever since I was a little girl. I wanted to be able to use both hands and I still use my left hand a lot.

About your writing with you left hand are you ambidextrous Mr. Ewell?" "I most positively am not I can use one hand good as the other. One hand good as the other.

I wish I could play the piano. I started when I was four and finished when I was five. I got bored. I couldn't tell my left hand from my right back then!

So on my screenplay on the left-hand side of the page I will put all the ideas that refer to the scene next to it so I have some sort of pictorial reference.

It is yin and yang. Light is the left hand of darkness... how did it go? Light dark. Fear courage. Cold warmth. Female male. It is yourself Therem. Both and one. A shadow on snow.