Keith Quotes

I played drums on Keith Carradine's first record.

My name ain't Keith so could you lease stop Sweatin' me.

We lived the life with Keith Moon. It was all Spinal Tap magnified a thousand times.

I'm not Bill Evans. I'm not Keith Jarrett. I'm basically a singer who plays along with his voice.

I looked at Mick Jagger and Keith Richards and the boys up there thinking I want to be that.

I was blessed to work with The Jazz Messengers when the two piano players were Keith Jarrett and Chick Corea.

I'm not into that Keith Richard trip of having all those guitars in different tunings. I never liked the Rolling Stones much anyway.

The song How do you like me now? By Toby Keith will be my personal theme song when I attend my first high school reunion.

I've seen Keith fall asleep at business meetings about millions of dollars for him-because of heroin just nod out and then wake up and answer a question.

This country hates professors. It likes Toby Keith - 'I'm gonna put a boot in their ass.' If you don't do that somehow you can't be strong.

I think if Keith Moon was here today and you asked him to recall most of his early life or most of his life he wouldn't be able to recall it.

Al Michaels is a good announcer. I think Keith Jackson is a terrific announcer. I always loved him on Monday Night Football. I never understood why they got rid of him

I'm glad I've given up drugs and alcohol. It would be awful to be like Keith Richards. He's pathetic. It's like a monkey with arthritis trying to go onstage and look young.

Keith Moon God rest his soul once drove his car through the glass doors of a hotel driving all the way up to the reception desk got out and asked for the key to his room.

It was way out in the woods in a beautiful huge log studio. Keith Richards came in and did the vocals with Levon. Again a big party but we did get a good cut out of it.

Gordon Keith was the son a gentleman.

Keith how does it feel to be a genius?

I'd like to make a show with Keith Richards.

I'm the Best Keith Moon-type drummer in the world.

On Keith Richards: He's like a monkey with arthritis.

Keith Deller's not just an underdog he's an underpuppy!

Keith Gillespie just lacks a little bit of inconsistency.

One of the Keith Commandments is that nothing is secret.

Keith Powell and Judah Friedlander are like brothers to me.

I put in the work to hand Keith Thurman his first loss.

I'm Keith " he said "and you're . . . clearly mad but what's your name?

Keith Richards outlived Jim Fixx the runner and health nut. The plot thickens.

Some musicians I know are incredible fathers. Like Keith Richards. A fantastic dad.

I love those Keith Richards solo records but it's not the Rolling Stones.

America not Keith Ellison decides what book a congressman takes his oath on

Keith Richards is the only man who can make the Osbournes look Amish.

Keith Knight is mapping out a previously unknown vector of the vast cartoon universe.

I'm militantly anti-drug abuse but love everything Keith Richards and some other drug goofballs do.

Keith Ellison is the future of the Democratic Party the future of the progressive movement.

I know Mick Jagger wouldn't tour without Keith Richards and call it the Rolling Stones.

It's said the FA chairman (Keith Wiseman) would travel 200 miles to open a biscuit tin. Why?

Good God Keith.Yes I've talked to Him too and I'm still waiting on his Guidance

The most terrifying thing that ever happened to me was that Keith Moon decided he liked me.

The worst thing Spurs ever did was get rid of Keith Burkinshaw. They have never replaced him.

He was tall and scrawny with a face that could be mistaken with Keith Richards on a bad day.

I always thought I looked kind of like Keith Richards and sometimes I think I look like Michael Jackson.

When he arrived Keith (Olbermann) had one thing in mind: it was Keith. That's fine. Nothing wrong with that.

When I joined Small Faces we occasionally would bump into The Who. And Keith Moon and I became firm pals.

The first time I watched [Keith] Olbermann his opening monologue I completely changed the way I approached my radio show.

It's nice to get any awards whether it's lifetime achievement or the Keith Richards award for being alive one more year.

There's a lot of people I'd like to write with like Keith Urban or even as far out as Stevie Wonder.

Keith Ellison is an organizer's organizer.He's one of the only Muslims in Congress so you have a big statement there.

You can write a great country record and still be angry. Who's angrier than Toby Keith? He's angrier than the average 10 rappers.

If you look at photos of the Gettysburg Address there's a guy off to the right who I think is Keith Richards.

I'd like to be in a man band but with Paul McCartney Ringo Starr and Keith Richards. We'd have a rocky edge.

Me growing up in the '60s and '70s there was almost something romantic about drugs Keith Richards taking drugs and stuff.

I think I might have a bad psychic advisor. When I asked her to contact the dead she gave me Keith Richards' phone number.

Keith Moon is not interested in Jazz and won't ever be a Jazz drummer because he's more interested in looking good and being screamed at.

Mick Jagger is in better shape than far too many NBA players. It's up in the air whether the same can be said of Keith Richards.

Obviously there was Keith Haring and Robert Mapplethorpe but Howard was on the brink of becoming a famous director - it didn't happen because he died.

I would love to embody the attitude of Iggy Pop or Keith Richards: a ballsy mentality. Stylistically I love Vivienne Westwood - those capes! I'm obsessed.

I'm very influenced by jazz drummers. I always liked drummers like Roger Taylor Keith Moon Ian Paice John Densmore. I just learned from playing to those drummers.

The Stones also still have a huge following. Mick Jagger leaps around like a crazy dude. And Keith Richards Ronnie Wood and Charlie Watts are playing great too.

Hillary Clinton tweeted "Charlotte should release police video of the Keith Lamont Scott shooting without delay. The Clinton campaign has since announced that Clinton will travel to Charlotte.

I don't know if watching Chaz Bono will turn your kids into transsexuals but I'm pretty sure that letting them watch Keith Ablow will turn them into assholes

I've been blessed. I grew up and played and worked and created with the Freddie Mercury the Jimi Hendrix the Keith Richards the John Paul Jones of my generation.

I pull a lot of the stuff that I play off the rhythm tracks - and Keith Richards has been one of the main contributors to my inspirational playing.

One thing that will make you quit smoking is sitting across from Keith Richards all night. I don't mind being ugly but I sure don't want to look like that.

I'm not sure you can count as history was Keith Richards's "Life " which he so modestly titled it. I did find it a fascinating book. Keith's a pretty honest fellow.

I also became inspired by impressionist painters such as Renoir and wanted to do the same sort of thing with music-portray whatever mood strikes me the way Keith Jarrett does on piano.

The Rolling Stones reunited for a twenty-fifth anniversary tour last week. Keith Richards said that he's happy to continue to do what he's been doing for the past twenty-five years: cheating death.

If there is a silver lining in the action of MSNBC against Keith Olbermann it is that people will now pay more attention to the political role of corporate media in America.

I've just completed Mike's [Mann] Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (i.e. from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith's [Briffa] to hide the decline.

MSNBC has abruptly ended their relationship with Keith Olbermann and according to his contract he's not allowed back on television for at least six months. Or as industry experts call it The Conan.

Toby Keith when you wake up tomorrow there's still going to be liberals in the world mexicans and blacks Muslims and Jews and high school graduates...and everyone else who hates your music.

I'm a serious aficionada of country music - Reba McEntire Toby Keith Montgomery Gentry. I've even written some songs. They haven't done anything of mine yet. But it's only a matter of time.

There are famous examples of people who just had really strange ways - [Jimi] Hendrix being the biggest example of that. Or someone like Keith Richards he just has a really idiosyncratic style.

Why are Americans so fascinated by Ireland?" Keith asked... "you all think you're Irish. What's the appeal? Do you like the accent more? Is it all the magical rocks? Oh look a leprechaun...

Strange medical news from Pakistan: A man had a successful organ transplant with a dog. They gave the man a dog's organ. In a related story today Keith Richards was seen chasing a mailman.

One of the main point of contention is whether or not Keith Scott was in possession of a gun. We still don`t know. Police say he did have a gun. The gun was recovered.

I am going to turn over a new life and am going to be a very good girl and be obedient to Isa Keith here there is plenty of gooseberries which makes my teeth watter.

Well Keith Alexander the former director of the NSA wants to say every company in the United States falls under one of two categories those that have been hacked and those that don't yet know it.

I love country; I'm gonna do a country solo album at one point just 'cause. I'm a big fan of Keith Urban Trace Adkins Rascal Flatts even though that's more pop. I grew up on country.

We're going to die " Keith said the moment he was gone. "This man is a serial killer. We're going to die and he's going to bury us in his garden and build a shed on us.

Usually I can hear the pianos the saxophone and usually I can hear Ronnie. But I really need to listen to Keith and Mick. The rest of the band is sort of an embellishment to that.

I did the co-writing thing all through the '90s and I got one hit out of it - a Keith Urban song called 'But For The Grace Of God' - but then I got burnt out.

They're waiting for you. Go on in." Adrian leaned close to Keith's ear and spoke in an ominous voice. "If.You.Dare." He poked Keith's shoulder and gave a "Muhahaha" kind of monster laugh.

It's like in the Bible.You can't always get what you want but if you really need something you usually find it." "What part of the Bible is that from?" Ig asked her. "The Gospel of Keith Richards?

I wonder about guys like Sean Hannity Keith Olbermann and Mark Levin. They're on such a mission. I mean I love Hannity and Levin to death but on the radio they're insane. How can you keep that up?

I always tell people that to be the funny person in a Steve Martin movie is like getting a call that Keith Moon wants you to play drums on his record. He should be playing drums on his record.

Having loved the Stones all the time I was growing up I wasn't about to see them go and split up. It got very close to it in the 80s when Mick thought that Keith hated him and vice versa.

I'm still the best Keith Moon-style drummer in the world.

As chairman of the DNC [Keith ] Ellison says he would replicate that kind of turnout on a national scale. But we spoke yesterday about some history that could stand in the way.

I started out as Keith Mitchell. I had done probably about ten years of television work under that name. Then my grandfather passed away in 1984. I wanted to honor him and his name.