Keeping It Real Quotes

People say keeping it real is a hard thing to do. Keeping it real is easy. Being fake and being soft is hard to do.

I've never seen anyone more messed up over success than Richard Pryor. For him it's a constant battle between success in the white world and keeping it real for his black self.

You cannot lose your real treasure.

What is real is beyond all reach.

Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity.

Only a man's character is the real criterion of worth.

When you're acting on TV you want to keep it real.

I let people see the cracks in my life. We can't be phony. We've got to keep it real.

I'm not a real movie star. I've still got the same wife I started out with twenty-eight years ago.

Our real problem then is not our strength today; it is rather the vital necessity of action today to ensure our strength tomorrow.

No one's better than me. I'm not better than anyone. Whether it's Eric Clapton or BB King we look straight at each other. And that keeps it real.

I feel very blessed to have two wonderful healthy children who keep me completely grounded sane and throw up on my shoes just before I go to an awards show just so I know to keep it real.

I keep it real normal like I don't try to act like a celebrity or say that just because I'm on a TV show I can do other types of TV. I take it very seriously and I respect the art of acting.

There aren't a lot of guys out there keeping it real. Everybody's been branded. Everybody's been bought and sold.

When I look for a woman I look for one that's real - that's keeping it 100. I rather someone know that they're sexy and not show it.

What works in a relationship of very public people is not making the relationship public - keeping it as personal as it can be. It's the only way it is real.

Rap is supposed to be about keeping it real and not relinquishing your roots in the community. Without that it's just posturing. Somebody who claims to speak for the 'hood don't need no private jet.

A lot of people play single to work some angle. I'm always about keeping it real. If that's how I'm living that's how I'm living.

Keeping it real is the key and I don't know how they've done that week after week. I think the key is that everybody can sort of empathize with [The Office].

In acting class you talked always about keeping it real and don't act... connect with the people and connect with the partner that you're acting with. The same is also true in politics.