Jay Quotes

The original suit was designed by a guy named Mr. Jay from Hollywood. But nowadays I'm having the suit duplicated. At this point I have about three good suits and about three really raggedy ones.

Jay Carney told the reporters at his morning briefing that he hoped they would watch the new movie about Obama's first term 'many times.' They might. Look how well 'Titanic' did at the box office.

My sound comes from my inspiration which is people like Aretha and Jay Z and Kanye as well as everyone from the Whitneys and Mariahs to Destiny's Child and Usher. They all inspired me growing up.

Youâ??re a feminist if you go to a Jay Z and Beyoncé concert and youâ??re not like â??Mmm I feel like Beyoncé should get 23 percent less money than Jay Z.'

I know right now she has no idea who I am but I'd like to collaborate with Enya one day. Of course I'd love to work with Jay-Z maybe even Phil Collins. I love his voice.

I listened to a lot of Jay-Z and Kanye coming up which would be unexpected for a boy bander like me. But I'd listen to a lot of that and a lot of Ed Sheeran actually.

Jay-Z ain't a manager; he owns a management company. He been through this; he been through the game for a long time so he knows tactics in taking artists in certain directions we need to go in.

I think the new school is dope. Artists like Kid Cudi The Cool Kids Drake and Wale can come out of middle class homes and be on tracks with people like Jay-Z who's from the hood and the street.

I still just like everybody else need to meet quotas with my spins with my buzz and make my way into the office. It has to be undeniable; the world has to know about you before Jay-Z makes a call.

Like Jay Z has some of the sickest lyrics ever but I would never buy his CD just because of my age and because of his age. By the time I turn that old I ain't gonna be doing what he's doing.

If Jay spent as much time studying as he does trying to be a comedian he'd be a big star.

I'm just a person just Jay Park but people expect me to be the best dancer or a man with the perfect personality. That's not me.

I do not believe that since man was in the habit of living on this planet anyone has ever lived possessed of the impudence of Jay Gould.

The moment a little boy is concerned with which is a jay and which is a sparrow he can no longer see the birds or hear them sing.

I'm pretty sure JAY Z don't wanna rap right now.

Who knew that all this time the nectar of the Gods was in my va-jay-jay.

What: is the jay more precious than the lark because his feathers are more beautiful?

After the sharp-eyed jay and the roaring lion peace will come on dove's gentle wing.

I heard a bird congratulating itself all day for being a jay. Nobody cared. But it was glad all over again and said so again.

I am a closet birdwatcher. I can identify Southern African species but it irks me I can barely tell a jay from a blackbird in the U.K.

Say will the falcon stooping from above Smit with her varying plumage spare the dove? Admires the jay the insect's gilded wings? Or hears the hawk when Philomela sings?

Hear! hear! screamed the jay from a neighboring tree where I had heard a tittering for some time "winter has a concentrated and nutty kernel if you know where to look for it.

The very uprightness of the pines and maples asserts the ancient rectitude and vigor of nature. Our lives need the relief of such a background where the pine flourishes and the jay still screams.

NBC's priorities are Jimmy Fallon and Jay Leno and then there's me.

I'm good friends with Jay Leno good friends with Ed O'Neill Melanie Fiona and Russell Simmons.

I've performed on 'The Tonight Show' with both Johnny Carson and Jay Leno but not at the same time.

To get the adrenaline pumping between events - or to help me switch off Jay Z the Roots and Drake are on my playlist.

I didn't really want to inject myself into anything political. A lot of people were asking me at the time about Jay and Conan and I hate doing anything serious.

My first soldier role was in 'Flags of Our Fathers.' Casting director Jay Binder saw that movie and was looking for soldiers for 'Journey's End ' which led to 'Generation Kill.'

I'm working on Leno. He's from my home state Massachusetts. And my home country Italy. I said 'Hey Jay why don't you have me on your show? Afraid I'll be funnier than you?'

I do really enjoy Jay McInerney's wine writing. He's a good writer. He brings his fiction-writing skillset. He's not afraid to put wine in kind of a racy context and speak very candidly about it.

I respect Jay-Z. I like him.

Jay-bird don't rob his own nes'.

Jay Ashby is simply a great musician!

I'm cool with Jay-Z. Jay-Z is genuinely my friend.

You don't know Jay-Z's scedule. He's a renaissance man.

The best thing Jay-Z ever taught me was patience.

For the record I Iike Jay-Z. That's my opinion.

Jay Sebring cut my hair a couple of times.

I'd like to collaborate with Jay-Z and Mary J. Blige.

I'm a fan of Jay-Z I'mma always be a fan of Jay-Z.

Do diddle di do Poor Jim Jay Got stuck fast In Yesterday.

People don't ask Jay-Z to take his shirt off when he rhymes

If you're not Jay-Z a record leaking isn't going to affect you.

I have a lot of respect for Jay-Z Eminem Ludacris Cee-Lo. They're groundbreaking.

I've hung out with Jay-Z a couple of times and he was awesome.

Kevin Smith is a very challenging conversationalist and Jay has many great stories.

What part of Canada are you from honey?" "THE LEFT PART " said Jay.

Being simple and complicated at the same is what makes Jay-Z so great.

Jay-Z he knows precisely who he's going for - 14-year-old white suburban girls.

[Moses] is obsessed with hip-hop and wanted a gold chain like his uncle Jay-Z.

Jay-Z's my favorite rapper but why can't I aspire to be better than him?

Jay Z and President Bush have a lot in common that same brash confidence.

Maybe my records might make the next Ja Rule or Jay-Z want to rap.

Jay Leno told me once 'Don't do jokes about things you don't know about.'

Wayne's done way more for my career than Jay-Z. Wayne is the reason I'm here.

Brandy is one of my favorite vocalists. Jay-Z is my favorite emcee outside of Biggie.

Jay Z has some of the sickest lyrics ever but I would never buy his CD.

Jay Leno is not a guy who likes change. He eats the same food every day.

I have been a fan of Versace for so long watching people like Biggie Puff Jay-Z.

What makes Jay Johnstone unusual is that he thinks he's normal and everyone else is nuts.

Jay-Z and Kanye West are to authentic rap culture what diseased rates were to 14th century Europeans

[Jay] Gould sets up an artificial wall between the two worldviews that doesn't exist in my life.

Everyday Jay would sit under a giant elm tree and imagine the adventures his life might bring.

I'm a post-Abner Jay kind of guy mixed with Roger Corman and Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers.

Beef is not what Jay said to Nas; Beef is when the working folks can't find jobs.

After being compared to Jay Leno for so long you don't think of yourself in that way.

I've wanted to hit Jay Cutler so hard for so long that this move just makes sense.

Jay Cutler he's a fine quarterback but I think at times he gets a little nicked up.

If lyrics sold then truth be told/I'd probably be just as rich and famous as Jay-Z.

Sometimes in golf I've got 10 000 people watching me. Cameras are easy. Doing the Jay Leno show was easy.

I'm liver than Jay Davy and Kathy and Regis been on more MTV shows than Butthead and Beavis.

Maybe I am everything I knew that I would never be. I looked back at Jay and smiled.

I listen to 50 Cent Jay-Z Stereophonics Arctic Monkeys; also the musical Oliver - I can sing every tune.

No rapper in the world from Jay-Z to Tupac to Biggie has 100 percent love on everything they do.

NO I haven't read 50 Shades of Grey - I've been close enough to Jay Leno in real life.

When the spotless ermine of the judicial robe fell on John Jay it touched nothing less spotless than itself.

I don't really know what's wrong with Jay Leno. I don't have the training to make a professional diagnosis.

I never tried to be Jay Z or Big Poppa I'm underground like them dead children buried in Gaza

Jay-Z is a dude that can give you a hundred 'Simpsons' quotes like 'What you know about the monorail?'

Jay wondered how they'd feel the morning they all woke up and realized that somehow Camelot had turned into Mordor.

Speaking of Quarterback nicknames you hear they're calling Jay Cutler 50 cent? Because you only get two quarters out of him.

Jay Z got Cano a big raise but he got him an extra 30-day vacation -- and it's called October

I saw an interview with Jay-Z where he said he didn't write down any of his lyrics so I tried that.

We're ready for a real black President - someone like Jay-Z. Obama's fine just not all black. He's our gateway Negro.

Long before there was Marilyn Manson long before there was Alice Cooper way before Ozzy Osbourne there was Screamin' Jay Hawkins

Jay Leno is wonderful and a good friend but it will always be the Carson show to a lot of people.

I honestly feel that because Steve has passed you know it's like when Biggie passed and Jay-Z was allowed to become Jay-Z.

House rap R&B disco rock they are all part of hip-hop culture. Why you ain't playing Kraftwerk along with Jay-Z? That's hip-hop.

One thing Jay z told me that always sticks with me is that the album is never how you viewed it to be.

SHADOW KNIGHT'S MATE is a compelling story extremely well-written and alarmingly plausible. Jay Brandon does for politics what Dan Brown did for religion.

Jay Abraham's client sent him $50 000 a month for a long time for writing one headline. That's what people who understand communication can do.

I'm the female Jay-Z. I never compared myself to other women artists. I compared myself with the best and the best is Jay-Z.

To be truthful Jay-Z wouldn't have a quarter of the records sold today if it wasn't for the white people buying his records.

You can try to change New York but it's like Jay-Z says: Concrete bunghole where dreams are made up there's nothing you can do.

Jay Leno's the only guy on earth who could have a bobble head made of him that would bobble less than his actual head.

If I could have anybody I haven't had I'd want to interview somebody like Jay-Z or Puff Daddy pick their minds a little bit.

I always go to my Kanye [West] Jay-Z. I go back to alot of the stuff that I know for sure that I like.

I like Rick Ross as a person. I like Jay-Z and Kanye West as people. But I hate the companies that they record for.

I watch Jay. I watch 'Letterman'. I flip back and forth between 'Conan' and 'Letterman' especially the top of the show for those guys.

What do you think of that? It's stopped raining." I'm glad Jay." Her throat full of aching grieving beauty told only of her unexpected joy.

Swag defines an artist period. Lil Wayne has his super-tattooed pierces and dreads swag. Jay-Z has his New York grown man Beyonce and 40/40 Club swag.

I'm not cool enough to hang out with any rock stars. Jay-Z doesn't come over to my house. I don't hang out with Ted Nugent.

She's Beyoncé and I'm [Jay-Z's] new protégée. When we see each other we say hi. We're not enemies but we're not friends friends.

But in my mind I've always been a solo artist- I've just been working with a lot of great people like Kanye and Alicia Keys and Jay-Z.

The most amazing thing I've ever seen was Jay Johnstone in uniform in line at a concession stand in Dodger Stadium after the game had already started.

I made the record and I sent it over to Jay Brown who was working on Rihanna's album. He was like "Send me that record for Rihanna.

I'll let you in on a secret: I can't stand Jay Ward. I hate being compared to Rocky and Bullwinkle. It's just a different style of humor.

As far as business moguls I'm always a fan of how Jay Z moves. He was just always very strategic ever since he came into the game.

I just want to say to the kids out there watching: You can do anything you want in life. Unless Jay Leno wants to do it too.

I come from where Mike Tyson came from. I come from right across the street from Jay-Z. I didn't have a pond in my backyard. I saw violence.

A lot of solo directors have a really strong creative producer with them. Jay and I have less of a need for that because we have each other.

I signed Jay-Z because he was on fire. I wasn't a genius. The record was great. I put it on The Nutty Professor soundtrack and we signed him.

As fate would have it Jay's status appears To be at an all-time high perfect time to say goodbye When I come back like Jordan wearing the 4-5.

Being put in this situation where it's myself Kyle O'Reilly and a Jay Lethal I think it's the best main event you can have right now in Ring of Honor.

When they asked me what I wanted to be I said I didn't know. "Oh sure you know " the photographer said. "She wants " said Jay Cee wittily "to be everything.

Don't worry about me. I plan to continue to be in show business. I have already been booked to be in a production of 'The Sunshine Boys' with Jay Leno.

I said Yo Jay I can rap. And I spit this rap that said I'm killin' ya'll *****s on this lyrical sh*t mayonnaise colored benz I push miracle whips.

I'm trying to be the Jay-Z of comedy one day. I don't know if there's any comedy moguls out there but I would love to be the first comedy mogul.

Karla Jay's intimate account of life in the early years of feminism and gay liberation is as irresistible as a novel but as credible humorous and unexpected as real life.

Jay Adams may not have been the world's best skater but he was the man the real deal the original the first. He is the archetype of our shared heritage.

When you look at the Lady Gagas of the world or the Jay-Zs or the Black Eyed Peas these are people who have one album release and it's a worldwide one.

Because many of us have been in game shows for some time there's always someone around who can share a story of Johnny O or Jay Stewart that I never heard.

I consider myself an essayist and a fiction writer. In the essays I certainly have been influenced by some of the leading science essayists. Like Loren Eiseley Stephen Jay Gould Lewis Thomas.

I like Jay-Z 50 Cent and Common. But I like the underground stuff like Young Jeezy Black Rob and Shine. I also love heavy metal like Slipknot and Pantera It's very intense stuff.

Nobody from my label called any of their labels to get this done. Most of it happened very naturally. Mary and I have been friends for a long time. Then Jay-Z offered.

This was a really big opportunity. This script was even mediocre. The idea was great but Jay came on with his guys made it great and very specific. It all came together well.

I rang up Jay Kay who's got one and said: 'Can we borrow yours?' and he said 'Yeah if I can borrow your daughter because it amounts to the same thing.'

People say 'Jay you're a great guy you just had a couple of bad nights.' People that have themselves under control don't have a couple of bad nights like that. Plain and simple.

You go to any Jay-Z concert and he plays his hits. Comedians don't have hits. You have to have a whole brand-new hour. You have no hits to rely on. It's the hardest thing.

I don't necessarily put on an act when I go on Jay Leno or dress differently in public than I do in private. I'd like to think I'm the same person more or less.

Stephen Colbert has such a loyal following; I don't know if it's the same with Jay Leno; he really inspires love in people and there can be a lucky ricochet of that for some people.