Having Nice Things Quotes

I want to earn my own way I like having nice things but I've never accepted anything I haven't earned.

It's always nice to have people love the things that you do.

I'm not a good person to have as an enemy; say nice things about me.

It's very sweet to have people say nice things about you and I always accept that.

I routinely never discuss my marriage. It's nice to have things in my life that are totally mine.

It's so nice after 10 years as a blond actress in Hollywood to have people let you do smart things.

It's quite nice to have a place to leave things. You can be a permanent gypsy but it's nice to go home.

Everybody's got a 'thing.' Some 'things' are nice and quiet. Some 'things' have fangs and claws. Some 'things' stink and have slobber everywhere.

Every museum is full of nice things. That's the opposite of before. It was important things or serious things. Now we have interesting things.

I don't really buy designer stuff. I have a few nice things but I don't really have the occasion to wear couture too often.

You have to enjoy life. Always be surrounded by people that you like people who have a nice conversation. There are so many positive things to think about.

The nice thing about 'Arrow' is we never say never on the show. Hopefully the show will have a nice long life and all manner of things can potentially happen.

It's nice to have writers write nice things about you and guys on radio and TV say nice things about you but the guy who's in the locker next to you is the one you play the game for.

There's nothing wrong with having a desire to want nice things.

There's nothing wrong with having a desire to want nice things. It's when we place that as a measure of the value of ourselves that it goes askew.