Having A Surgery Quotes

I hate plastic surgery. I have a horror of any kind of knife. I don't like it.

I have a new found respect for women who have been through breast cancer and this surgery.

I have a call to speak to write to do sort of deep-heart surgery in people's lives.

If somebody wants to have plastic surgery more power to them. I think there's a point where you go overboard.

I have a Bachelor in medicine a Bachelor in surgery and I am a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.

My fat cells have a memory like Einstein! I'm proof that surgery is not a magic potion. There are many ways to sabotage it.

I've never had plastic surgery but if they made a new invention for making people taller I'd be the first to have the surgery.

It was so frustrating to see ulcer patients having surgery or even dying when I knew a simple antibiotic treatment could fix the problem.

I mean I think I'm doing a lot better than other people that have had shoulder surgery in their careers. Some people have never come back.

I have a charity called the Chain Of Hope where we target children from poor areas where heart surgery is not available and we offer our services.

Having plastic surgery is pathetic. You don't look any younger; you look well for a bit until it starts going again but it takes all the character out.

Oh I just love being a character actress. You have a lot of fun and not only that you save tons on cosmetic surgery because you never have to have liposuction.

When you're the spokeswoman for a weight-loss program everything is witnessed. I weigh in once a week with a witness. I have to sign an affidavit saying I cannot have any surgeries.

I think everyone is forgetting what plastic surgery is for - if you have a face-eating tumour lose a breast or are involved in a car accident then it's a good idea.

I had a major surgery a major abdominal surgery and a mass was removed from my pelvic area and I do have some more recovery to do. But everything seems to be fine.

Of course every time someone does a story on plastic surgery my name will be dragged up. I've made it safe for other people to have plastic surgery. It's no longer a bad word.

You cannot drive the car if you do not have a driver's license. You cannot do brain surgery if you are not a brain surgeon. You cannot even do a massage if you don't have a license.

I have a zombie apocalypse kit at my house. I've got freeze dried food I've got a real deal medical kit like a doctor could perform a surgery with this medical kit. I got all kinds of everything.

I think for women especially you need to have a plan. I need to have some other ways to generate income so I don't have to stretch my face or lift the top of my head with surgery or something.

Right now after having had back surgery I am finally back to running again.

I'm here instead of having shoulder surgery. But I'm not sure which is more painful.

Janet Yellen at the FED is equivalent to having a biology schoolteacher who has never seen blood perform brain surgery.

I'm having surgery today to have my face cleaned up. But it will take some fancy stitching to make me all beautiful again!

I can't imagine having cosmetic surgery because I have my values and little family who makes me feel incredibly accepted but you never know.

Open-heart surgery is now part of a typical life experience for many people. Folks talk casually about 'having a stent put in ' as if they had their tires rotated.

Crazy to think that we're having surgery we're trying to excise cancer we don't know where the cancer is. We're trying to preserve nerves; we can't see where they are.