Happy And Unhappy Quotes

I don't pretend to be happy all the time. I think to be human is to be happy and unhappy by turns. But I have a great capacity to enjoy myself and it seems to grow as I get older.

Life is a stream of happy and unhappy experiences because that leads to Soul's purification. How do you get by in the dark times? Try to give love to someone especially then.

I have been very happy very rich very beautiful much adulated very famous and very unhappy.

I learned that there are two things that kids really like: movement and love. Happy kids move; unhappy they don't move.

The Unhappy may possibly by indulging Thought hit on some lucky Stratagem for the Relief of his Misfortunes and the Happy may be infinitely more so by contemplating on his Condition.

I am not sure that it is of the first importance that you should be happy. Many an unhappy man has been of deep service to himself and to the world.

I've been my most happy and my most unhappy in relationships. I have family and friends and people I care very much about. I've got a really really really good life.

People used to ask me how I got my jollies and I guess I'm happy when what I'm doing is helping people and unhappy when what I'm doing isn't helping people.

I have a very happy marriage and friends who keep my feet on the ground. But looking for satisfaction in life is difficult. Maybe being happy is as simple as not being unhappy.

Happy or unhappy families are all mysterious. We have only to imagine how differently we would be described - and will be after our deaths - by each of the family members who believe they know us.

Happy or Unhappy families are all mysterious.

I really didn't consider myself happy or unhappy.

Money never prevented anyone from being happy or unhappy.

Happy is the hearing man; unhappy the speaking man.

Be happy. If you're successful but unhappy that's emptiness.

Unhappy endings can be as cheap as happy endings.

An unhappy mother does not raise a happy child.

You cannot have a happy ending to an unhappy journey.

When unhappy one doubts everything; when happy one doubts nothing.

Unhappy people needs your smile more than Happy people do

Who decides whether you shall be happy or unhappy? You do!

One is never as happy or as unhappy as one thinks.

Never being happy isn't the same as being unhappy. Is it?

Money will never make you happy if you are an unhappy person.

We all have two childhoods the unhappy one and the happy one.

If you aren't unhappy sometimes you don't know how to be happy.

Happy people build their inner world; unhappy people blame their outer world.

The world of the happy is quite different from that of the unhappy.

I think you never forget your childhood whether it was happy or unhappy.

I understand that we cannot make other people happy when they are unhappy.

A happy man has no past while an unhappy man has nothing else.

Every unhappy genius dreams to be in the place of a happy fool.

I'm not happy when I'm writing but I'm more unhappy when I'm not.

I want to be happy; why do I do things that make me unhappy?

You're as happy as you allow yourself to be - so why be unhappy?

We are never so happy nor so unhappy as we suppose ourselves to be.

Every person should decide for himself how happy or unhappy our society might be.

She was neither happy nor unhappy and that was why she couldn't go on.

If I can make you unhappy then I can make you happy as well.

I'm happy - at times - making films. I'm certainly unhappy not making films.

All happy families resemble one another each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

Some mothers need happy children; others need unhappy ones-otherwise they cannot prove their maternal virtues.

It wasn't about being happy or unhappy. I just didn't want to be me anymore.

The only reason why you are unhappy is because you are trying to be happy.

Happiness is a state of mind. You can be happy or you can be unhappy.

People will disapprove of you if you're unhappy or if you're happy in The Wrong Way.

The happy should not insist too much upon their happiness in the presence of the unhappy.

Our modern wars make many unhappy while they last and none happy when they are over.

The happy think a lifetime short but to the unhappy one night can be an eternity.

People don't know when they are happy. They're never so unhappy as they think they are.

To make others less happy is a crime. To make ourselves unhappy is where all crime starts.

You weren't created to be unhappy in order to keep everyone else happy. Run your own race.

When you are unhappy about something you can always find thousands of other things to be happy!

The happy person often walks unshaken along the path that a thousand unhappy people insist is wrong.

You always have enough to be happy. It's the patterns in your head that make you unhappy.

Whether it is happy or unhappy a man's life is the only treasure he can ever possess.

it's better to be crazy on one point and happy than sane on all points and unhappy.

I was deeply unhappy but I didn't know it because I was so happy all the time.

We are more unhappy to see people ahead of us than happy to see people behind us.

Dogs are happy with few things because they have already observed man who is unhappy with many things!

Be happy for those who are happy have compassion towards the unhappy and maintain equanimity towards the wicked.

Night is beautiful when you are happy--comforting when you are in grief--terrible when you are lonely and unhappy.

It is better to be unhappy and know the worst than to be happy in a fool's paradise.

Right Jo better be happy old maids than unhappy wives or unmaidenly girls running about to find husbands.

Man is unhappy because he doesn't know he's happy. If anyone finds out he'll become happy at once.

The happy have whole days and those they choose. The unhappy have but hours and those they lose.

No man can be happy without a friend nor be sure of his friend till he is unhappy.

Men are irrelevant. Women are happy or unhappy fulfilled or unfulfilled and it has nothing to do with men.

Money cannot make you happy but it can get rid of many of the things that make you unhappy.

There's no point in being an unhappy success and there's not much sense in being a happy failure either.

We must spoil our women boy. A happy woman makes a happy home. An unhappy one makes us drink.

I did not sleep. I never do when I am over-happy over-unhappy or in bed with a strange man.

You cannot be happy with your family while being personally unhappy with your work. It's a Catch-22 kind of thing.

The capacity to be either happy or unhappy is determined by the manner in which you react to whatever happens.

Life is a game. Happy people are the players. Unhappy people are the spectators. Which would you like to be?

I think it's not inaccurate to say that I had a perfectly happy childhood during which I was very unhappy.

For in every ill-turn of fortune the most unhappy sort of unfortunate man is the one who has been happy

If I feel unhappy I do mathematics to become happy. If I am happy I do mathematics to keep happy.

I look at what I have not and think myself unhappy; others look at what I have and think me happy.

To lose one's self in reverie one must be either very happy or very unhappy. Reverie is the child of extremes.

This mother needs happy reputable children and that one needs unhappy ones: otherwise she cannot show her kindness as a mother.

If a man is unhappy remember that his unhappiness is his own fault for God made all men to be happy.

How many attempts now happy now unhappy!... He who has not felt the difficulties of his art does nothing that counts.

As you live out your desolation you can be either unhappy or happy. Having that choice is what constitutes your freedom.

Most people aren't really happy but they aren't unhappy enough to do anything about it. That's a dangerous place to be.

The happy man only feels at ease because the unhappy bear their burden in silence. Without this silence happiness would be impossible.

I can say I'd honestly rather be happy than have 30 to 40 songs that I've written about these thrilling exciting horrible unhappy times.

Happiness is not dependent on experience. What you experience shouldn't make you happy or unhappy when you know how to be happy.

Iâ??m happy when what Iâ??m doing is helping people and unhappy when what Iâ??m doing isnâ??t helping people.

When your son is healthy and happy you're healthy and happy. And when your son is not healthy let's say you're unhappy.

If one's bowels move one is happy and if they don't move one is unhappy. That is all there is to it.

Let's put it this way: One can be happy or unhappy in a building. But some buildings make us more depressed than others.

The goodness you do when you are very happy is not as valuable as the goodness you do when you are very unhappy!

If only one little unhappy child is made happy with the love of Jesus ...will it not be worth...giving all for that?

As a child I never wanted my parents to be unhappy which meant that I would always contemplate what would make them happy.

To say a person is a happy person or an unhappy person is ridiculous. We are a thousand different kinds of people every hour.

Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I not events have the power to make me happy or unhappy today.

Compare what you want with what you have and you'll be unhappy; compare what you deserve with what you have and you'll be happy.

When you are happy you feel the sunshine even inside the fog; when you are unhappy you feel the fog even in the sunshine.

Those who have made unhappy marriages walk on stilts while the happy ones are on a level with the crowd. No one sees 'em!

People say there are thousands of options we have in life. I say we have only two: we can either be happy or be unhappy.

Undisturbed calmness of mind is attained by cultivating friendliness toward the happy compassion for the unhappy delight in the virtuous and indifference toward the wicked.

Progress of a marriage: There was a time when you couldn't make me happy. Now the time has come when you can make me unhappy.

Life laughs at you when you are unhappy; Life smiles at you when you are happy; But life salutes you when you make other happy.

When you get up in the morning you have two choices - either to be happy or to be unhappy. Just choose to be happy

Try to feel and give only love and compassion to every one; you will be happy. Don't judge or hate anything. You will be unhappy.

The inner speech your thoughts can cause you to be rich or poor loved or unloved happy or unhappy attractive or unattractive powerful or weak.

The Church of TED is very optimistic. Bulgarians are some of the most pessimistic in the world. There are the Happy the Unhappy and the Bulgarians.

Unhappy love freezes all our affections: our own souls grow inexplicable to us. More than we gained while we were happy we lose by the reverse.

It is better that some should be unhappy rather than that none should be happy which would be the case in a general state of equality.

If my stories can touch you make you laugh forget unhappy things or even give you that 'good job' feeling then I'll be super super happy!

Many things that I have accomplished in my life were not because I knew they would make me happy but because it made my enemies unhappy.

People feel like they have to live up to being perfect or have a perfect life or be perfectly happy and it just makes them more unhappy.

In omni adversitate fortunæ infelicissimum genus est infortunii fuisse felicem In every adversity of fortune to have been happy is the most unhappy kind of misfortune.

If you do not decide to be happy very few people can make you happy. If you decide to be happy very few people can make you unhappy.

If our life is unhappy it is painful to bear; if it is happy it is horrible to lose So the one is pretty equal to the other.

The happy marriage which is the only proper nursery is indissoluble. The unhappy marriage which perpetually tells the child a bogey-man story about life ought to be dissolved.

A child gets sick with a chronic disease of unhappiness not from unhappy circumstances but from unhappy people around him. Unhappy people cannot raise happy children; it's impossible.

Everyone wanted my emotions to be very simple. They wanted me to say "I was poor and I was unhappy and now I've got money and I'm really happy.

This is a world of unhappy beings. They don't understand how simple it is to be happy. You just have to practice meditation. To meditate is to be happy.