Grandparents Quotes

Knowing more about family history is the single biggest predictor of a child's emotional well-being. Grandparents can play a special role in this process too.

Grandparents...can give the children unity of family life and some knowledge of their own family history...

Proud parents to two children Grandparents to five more Who visit the "Harper Bakery" It's Gran's cooking they all adore

Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping - they called it opportunity.

Grandparents who want to be truly helpful will do well to keep their mouths shut and their opinions to themselves until these are requested.

Grandparents get older and they can't do things for themselves anymore. I'm gonna struggle with that. Because I hate depending on people to do anything for me.

If you're lucky enough to still have grandparents visit them cherish them and celebrate them while you can.

When I'm at my grandparents' I know I literally have to do nothing but relax enjoy myself and enjoy my family members' company.

Maybe there is no actual place called hell. Maybe hell is just having to listen to our grandparents breathe through their noses when they're eating sandwiches.

One curious thing about growing up is that you don't only move forward in time; you move backwards as well as pieces of your parents' and grandparents' lives come to you.

There's a difference between someone who's 'harsh' and someone who is 'hard.' Life was hard. You lived in the South as my grandparents did and you had to survive. That is hard.

True love that lasts forever... yes I do believe in it. My parents have been married for 40 years and my grandparents were married for 70 years. I come from a long line of true loves.

I grew up on the edge of a national park in Canada - timberwolves creeks snow drifts. I really did have to walk home six miles through the snow like your grandparents used to complain.

I am not ashamed of my grandparents for having been slaves. I am only ashamed of myself for having at one time being ashamed

Kids in a home with grandparents are healthier.

Some of the world's best educators are grandparents.

My grandparents all came from Lithuania to South Africa.

[My grandparents] were from Texas. El Paso. White trash.

When grandparents enter the door discipline flies out the window.

I believe that people are what happened to their grandparents.

Let's just say that I was raised by my grandparents.

I had the privilege of having two sets of loving grandparents.

I went to church with my grandparents sometimes and I loved it.

We are living on average today 34 years longer than our great-grandparents did.

Letters From Home' is a story inspired by my grandparents' epistolary courtship.

I did stand-up for my grandparents every day when I was like eight.

My grandparents are from Mexico so I grew up with great Mexican food.

Our house was always full of grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins.

We can observe the Fourth Commandment by loving visits to our aging grandparents

We haven't ever known our past. Your kids are no stupider than their grandparents.

If we want to succeed we need to recover our grandparentsâ?? work ethic.

The television replaced the sound of conversation that was missing from my grandparents' lives.

I was born to a single mom and raised by her and my grandparents.

It's impossible for me to hear the words quadruple murder suicide without thinking of my grandparents.

My grandparents they came through Ellis Island in 1923 and you know I'd heard all the stories.

Parents do the best they can. But my parents are better grandparents than they were parents.

I once walked in on my grandparents making love...And that's why I don't eat raisins.

My grandparents had died in 1983 and suddenly my brother is out jogging before Mass and he dies.

When I was a kid I resented my grandparents not speaking the perfect English I wanted to speak.

Two of my grandparents died in a car crash. Sucks 'cause they would have lived to a hundred.

The way we dress on 'Mad Men' is so associated with old photographs with people's parents and grandparents.

I'd experienced the '40s and '50s by looking at my grandparents' old clothes books and magazines.

I enjoyed my grandparents very much. My mother and father would always allow me to stay with them.

You can't prevent a possible future closeness between your upcoming child and one or more of their grandparents.

As a family comedian it is so wonderful seeing everyone from kids through to grandparents being entertained by you.

Industrial agriculture freed many people to pursue lives their parents and grandparents could never have. It made America modern.

All parents are an embarrassment to their kids. Often grandparents are the relief. Kids don't have to resist you.

My parents were teetotalers and my grandparents were - it's all the way back. It's New English puritanical tradition.

My grandparents don't really listen to pop music and they only speak Spanish and only listen to Spanish music.

It's our job - as parents grandparents aunts uncles - to find books our kids are going to like.

All of us are displaced. Few people live where their great-grandparents lived or speak the language their great-grandparents spoke.

Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had adifferent word for burger flipping; they called it opportunity.

When my children were young one of the treats promised by their grandparents was a ride in Grandad's car.

I never really learned the value of money. My father didn't spoil me but I think my grandparents did.

There was a lot of brokenness in my family. Let's just say that I was raised by my grandparents.

I'm Cuban. Both my parents are Cuban. My grandparents are too. Although I have no idea where Fit comes from.

My grandparents lived in Hollywood and I was surrounded by the romanticism of movies ever since I was a child.

One thing I carried my whole life especially from my grandparents in Chicago was a huge idealism for the world.

Women are holding up the world. We're taking care our children and very often our parents and sometimes our grandparents.

The joke used to be that in every Indian home there is the mother father children grandparents and the anthropologist.

I'm incredibly optimistic about what individuals can do. We have technology that our grandparents would have given their eye teeth for.

We all know grandparents whose values transcend passing fads and pressures and who possess the wisdom of distilled pain and joy.

My grandparents on my mom's side played in a mandolin orchestra. So when I hear mandolins I automatically think of them.

My parents are Irish my grandparents are Irish my great-grandparents are Irish. I was born in England; my blood is Irish.

Whereas our grandparents lived as if they had swallowed gyroscopes we think and act as if we have swallowed Gallup polls.

All four of my grandparents were educators my mom was a school nurse and I went through the public school system.

I was very young and lived with my grandparents in a villa with white walls in the Calle Ocharan in Miraflores.

My grandparents came worked hard and I believe they never regretted their decision to come here and make a new start.

At NBC I wasn't really sure if the grandparents were going to get my sense of humor on a particular topic.

I took the 'Lee' from my grandparents who took care of me during the day while my mom was away working.

All nationalism is based on racism and hate. I'm Scottish; I was born in Scotland as my parents as my grandparents.

I've never wanted to chuck my mortgage drop the kids off at their grandparents' and run gloriously naked in fields of flax.

If we're to be judged by our parents and grandparents then we all may as well impale ourselves upon bits of rock.

There were never any doctors in my family. But my grandparents and my mother had a strong social conscience that was formative.

We'll probably live 20 more years than our grandparents did. The question is what are you going to do with those extra 20 years?

I grew up around the corner from my grandparents' dairy farm which was three miles outside of a small town called Phoenix.

My family is really really Southern - I had two uncle Bubbas and grandparents that we called Big Mama and Big Daddy.

So now I'm rollin' down Rodeo wit a shotgun These people ain't seen a brown skin man Since their grandparents bought one

If we're to be judged by our parents and grandparents then we all may as well impale ourselves upon jagged bits of rock.

In more static societies like Ireland you can tell where a person is from by their surname or where their grandparents are from.

My parents aren't crazy conservative. They're actually pretty open-minded. But my grandparents are and where I'm from East Texas is the Bible Belt.

My grandparents got married at a very young age and a lot of what I think about marriage is based on their relationship.

Ancestor worship or filial piety so characteristic of Asian cultures for example does not really resonate with Americans who favor children not grandparents.

My grandparents are holocaust survivors so I was really aware at a young age how horrible human beings can be to one another.

I like my films to influence the audience. Even if it means tripping their aged grandparents with a cane when they get home.

Being pregnant is the most natural thing our bodies can do. Our grandparents did it without all these books and they came out okay.

I'm really confident. I had a perfect childhood. I had perfect parents and grandparents. They just love me simply. So I have no fears.

My dad keeps joking about sneaking into my grandparents' house and switching out their HBO for PBS so they think I'm on 'Downton Abbey.

My mother was 45 when she had me so when I was in high school my parents were the same age as my friends' grandparents.

My grandparents used to tell me stories about their trip to Ellis Island from Russia and life on the Lower East Side of New York.

All my friends had grandparents who had accents. I thought all grandparents were supposed to have accents. My friends were all second-generation as I was.

The wisdom of our parents grandparents ancestors. In each individual life it seems we must first reject that wisdom then later come to appreciate it.

We rarely know who our ancestors were. Who can even remember the names of their great-grandparents? They have vanished into the dim and distant past

Christmas was the one time of year when my brothers surfaced at home when my parents and grandparents congregated to eat my mother's roast turkey.

Vancouver is home. I spent a huge amount of time here as a kid growing up with my mom with my grandparents who lived here.

My grandparents knew it was important that I understood Christianity and the Bible. But they never took me to church; they sent me to church.

Most Americans have parents or grandparents who immigrated to this country and we know the hardships they faced from learning the language to dealing with prejudice.

I love Topsail Island which my grandparents helped settle in 1950 despite the racial tensions. I wanted to immortalize my deep connection to this special island forever.

President Obama's fight for rural America is personal. He was raised by a single mom and grandparents from Kansas. He hails from a farming state Illinois.

Even though my grandparents live overseas and are so far away and we talk as much as we can we don't see each other that often.

Because my great-grandparents were enslaved people the legacy of slavery was something that didn't seem impersonal or disconnected. That's what motivated me to get into law.

The sight of parents children and grandparents all descending on a tented field to enjoy the pleasure of ideas and books renews my faith in humanity.

Our parents worse than our grandparents gave birth to us who are worse than they and we shall in our turn bear offspring still more evil.

Younger Cuban Americans who have decided to go to the island always come back telling me "that isn't the country my grandparents have told me about.

I feel like my grandparents and parents gave me a tremendous amount. And if I can pass some of that on then I'll be very happy.

What I like most about an aquarium is that all ages from toddlers to pre-schoolers to retired grandparents can really enjoy the wonders of the sea.

All my grandparents and great aunts and uncle love 'Foyle's War.' They all lived through the war and love to see it reconstructed so authentically.

I suspect that our own faith in psychiatry will seem as touchingly quaint to the future as our grandparents' belief in phrenology seems now to us.

My parents grandparents aunts and uncles were all funny and I felt that energy that delivery that timing that sarcasm. All that stuff seeped into my brain.

My father grew up in Brooklyn N.Y. with my grandparents. In Norwegian my name is pronounced 'Yoo' but my father used to call me 'Joe.'

Conversations with my mother father my grandparents as I've grown up have obviously driven me towards wanting to try and make a difference as much as possible.

What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance. They give unconditional love kindness patience humor comfort lessons in life. And most importantly cookies.

It's one of the best programs I've ever seen because it benefits both sides: children who need love and grandparents elderly people who need to feel wanted.

Because we employ no professional preachers it means that every sermon or lesson in church is given by a regular member - women and men children and grandparents.

Parents brothers and sisters grandparents aunts and uncles are made more powerful guides and rescuers by the bonds of love that are the very nature of a family.

I'm a daughter of the middle class with a strong sense of social mobility and individualism like the waves of immigrants like my Spanish grandparents who made Argentina.

As children many of us were taught never to talk to strangers. As parents and grandparents our message must change with technology to include strangers on the Internet.

Sign language is my first language. English and Spanish are my second languages. I learned Spanish from my grandparents sign language from my parents and English from television.

Only thanks to blissful ignorance and the inspiration of my grandparents' story did I actually believe tackling a novel would be an easy task. I've since learned otherwise.

My dad is Greek and my mum Jamaican. My grandparents brought me up for most of my childhood but I saw my mum and dad all the time.

My grandparents - both of my mother's parents - were actors and they ran the Reading Repertory Theatre Company through the town of Reading where I come from.

Growing up my mother and grandparents often talked about our family's Native American heritage. As a kid I never thought to ask them for documentation - what kid would?

Dogs are more of a responsibility than kids - you can send a kid off to their grandparents or a nanny but with a dog you can't do that.

My grandparents back in Kentucky owned a tobacco farm. So to make money in the summer we could cut and chop and top and house and strip the tobacco.

Migration is the story of my life: my parents and grandparents journeyed across four continents to flee war and find jobs eventually finding their way to the U.S.

The people who have recently come to this country to work and better their lives should be given the same opportunities that our parents grandparents and ancestors were given.

I could enjoy the life that I had by virtue of the educational attainment that my grandparents and parents had pursued. Education was always incredibly valued in our family.

We live in a very different world than the one that we inherited from our parents and from our grandparents. Times are changing and states must adapt to win.

To tell you the truth in the old Jewish shtetls if your husband died sometimes they'd have you marry the brother and my grandparents were actually stepbrother and stepsister.

People who are interested with me have for sure gotten older over the years for example grandparents are coming up to me telling me they grew up watching me.

My great grandparents are Scottish and I have this very tenuous connection which I try and bump up whenever I can because I'd much rather be Scottish than English.

It is I suppose the business of grandparents to create memories and the relative of memories: traditions. We want to lodge moments like snapshots in the fleeting video of time.

I wasn't really aware they were a religious organization for quite some time. But my grandparents were very devout and ran a Quaker meetinghouse and were missionaries at one point.

Every person will become three time child in their life.One when they are child Second when they become parents and third when they become grandparents.It's never be gone.

The best baby-sitters of course are the babyâ??s grandparents. You feel completely comfortable entrusting your baby to them for long periods which is why most grandparents flee to Florida.

I lived the first five years of my life on a farm in Union City Michigan with my mom and grandparents. It was the most magical time of my life.

As parents grandparents uncles and aunts we need to start getting out into nature with the young people in our lives. Families play a key role in getting kids outside.

Can you imagine that Cuba and Europe's youth who had forgotten about traditional music who only thought of rock music are now looking back towards their grandparents? That is a phenomenon.

If your grandparents are Mexican you can relate through the roots of the show [Top Chef] through the food through the traditions and find yourself and get to know yourself too.

Black college-educated people got to where they are on the backs of domestic help meaning their parents and grandparents. So people should not forget how they got to where they are.

My childhood memories include a time when the government confiscated my family's possessions and exiled us to a camp in the B.C. Interior just because my grandparents were from Japan.

How come you don't work fourteen hours a day? Your great-great-grandparents did. How come you only work the eight-hour day? Four guys got hanged fighting for the eight-hour day for you.

Every summer my grandparents would rent a house on Balboa Island. They had the house next to Bob Hope's. I've been going down there all my life to that whole area.

As my name might suggest I'm Jewish. My grandparents were Polish and Russian Jews who came to Australia in the late 1920s and had they not we wouldn't be talking now.

I was an adopted child of my grandparents and I don't know how I can ever express my gratitude for that because my parents would have been a mess you know.

I was three years old. I was messing with my grandparents' dog in Las Vegas and he decided to pick me up by my head and run around the backyard with me.

I was raised by maternal grandparents who were born in 1890 and 1899 respectively. They were British subjects; George V was the cousin of the tsar. The Romanovs were very real in their household.

The vision of a nation formed from many different peoples bound together by a common love of freedom was staked out long before our lifetimes or even our parents' or grandparents' lifetimes.

My mother R. Rajalakshmi taught at Annamalai University in Chidambaram and during the day I was well cared for by aunts and grandparents in the usual way of an extended Indian family.

I don`t think the Disney Channel gives us enough credit for the age range Lizzie McGuire actually has. College students come up to me grandparents famous people. It`s really funny.

Every future we imagine is transformed inexorably into a part of our children's understanding of their past of the assumptions their parents and grandparents could not help but make.The Killer Hook

It's intrusive for grandparents to think they're in charge. It's manipulative. Also it's self-destructive since if the parents have to resist you you won't get your mitts on the kid as often.

I can think of no one that my grandparents knew that told me stories and that I experienced myself had any sense of social inferiority growing up in segregated Washington. None whatsoever.

Personally I'd be really glad to have a national conversation about whether to outlaw most forms of birth control. For once the kids and their grandparents would find themselves on the same side.

All my mom's side speaks Spanish. I speak to my grandparents in Spanish. Slowly. And they're patient with me! But I do speak with them in Spanish and carry on conversations with them.

As times change so do the way each generation see the world. It is rather like the way our generation came to see our grandparents' views on the Empire and colonies as outdated.

Both of my grandparents died of lung cancer. So I got quite a lesson in the payback later in life of smoking and if you keep it up how bad it can be.

In many of my books I explore the ways in which grandparents or other older persons are shaped by the young and the young are shaped by the old in an evolving dance.

What it is is that Barack Obama was raised by a white mother and two white grandparents who A told him he was black and that there was nothing wrong with being black.

I say homes are for families and you have to make sure you design for the family not just one person: kids your wife your grandparents need to be able to use it.

Going out in Paris was like going out in the '30s dressed like the Andrews Sisters. It was everything I'd seen in books at my grandparents' house only it was our generation.

Money is a life skill "? and as parents grandparents interested adults "? it's up to us to make sure our children are prepared for the financial world they are going to face.

I spent my childhood outdoors on my grandparents' farm. I learned to ride a motorbike when I was about six a little PeeWee 50. I'd climb trees - there was a big weeping willow.

I love seeing young girls and their parents and grandparents at my concerts all loving the music from Grease when I perform those songs (and yes I do perform a bunch of them!).

My parents and grandparents always made me feel fortunate. I'm in a position to help others feel the same. It's just in my heart and is something I feel very very strong about.

I guess the most seminal moment going early way back was my father died when I was 3 years old. I was raised by my grandparents and my mother went back and got a degree.

Your grandparents did not endure the indignities of a steerage journey to Ellis Island so that you could stand outside a discothèque and beg a wallpaper designer to take you in with him.

I was born on the first day of January 1941 in the front bedroom of my grandparents' house in Rodborough near Stroud in Gloucestershire where my mother had come to escape the bombing in London.

After a year it was great to get out of L.A. and return to Hyde Park. Since my grandparents lived in Hyde Park I had been coming there since I was a tyke.

But one sets of grandparents lived on Davidson Avenue in the Bronx and one lived in Manhattan and I had an aunt and uncle in Queens so in my heart I was a New Yorker.

I would leave school every day and walk to my grandparents' house under the El because everyone worked. I was 6 and walking home alone from school. It was a different city and a different time.

I grew up in a semi-attached row house in Queens in New York. And my family and my grandparents and my father's from Brooklyn and so you're essentially an outer boroughs kid you're growing up.

I actually wanted to be a jazz musician first. My grandparents introduced me to Louis Armstrong. I loved Louis Armstrong so I took up the trumpet and just did that every day and practiced that.