Tamra Davis Quotes

My connection with Basquiat was really in Los Angeles which really was a whole different world to what he was experiencing in New York.

A mom can't afford to be sick.

In 'Billy Madison ' I worked with Adam before anyone really knew he was Adam Sandler.

Having someone cook all your meals is the best vacation ever!

A diet that is high in fat sugar and salt makes it really hard for a body to function efficiently.

I discovered television is a great way to deal with the chaos of new motherhood. I would put the babies to bed and get lost in a trashy reality show.

I have a great little camera and I had a theory that if the story is interesting it doesn't matter what medium you shoot it on. You just have to make a good film.

Helping out in your kid's classroom is a great way to get involved with your child's school.

Many classrooms are overcrowded and splitting the class into smaller groups gives the children more one on one attention.

I do have a priority in my house and that is I want my kids to be healthy and if I give them the right food I am headed consistently toward that goal.

I love making films and as long as I love the subject I just have a crazy amount of passion and energy for the project.

I always had to genuinely like the actors I worked with and use my enthusiasm and vision to give them confidence to push their creativity and their humor.

I started making music videos in my twenties and made my first feature 'Guncrazy ' at 29. I then spent the greater part of my thirties directing features.

Music video played a huge role in developing my sensibility as a director.

I've been lucky enough to work in pop culture especially with people right before they popped.

It's incredible what happens when you explain to kids what good food is - they get so excited! They go home and tell their parents... and they're excited to cook the recipes themselves in class.

I read the script for 'Guncrazy' in 1985 and loved it because it was one of the few scripts I'd come across that revolved around a strong female character.

My grandparents lived in Hollywood and I was surrounded by the romanticism of movies ever since I was a child.

A school morning is usually a pretty hectic time in any household.

Running provides an outlet for my mind to relax and my peace to be still.

It's hard to have people talking about you and trashing you in the media and saying they think your career is over... and you are only 25.

When you are talking about someone's art it is usually so personal.