Good Place Quotes

Dear Artificer Iâ??ve blown my quanta and gone to the Good Place!

Space is not a good place to mix foods because as soon as you take something out of the package it becomes a flying object.

I've been told that I'm incompetent socially retarded maladjusted. I still know that I couldn't function in reality. Los Angeles is a good place for me.

I'm very aware there are lots of other people who are just bright and working just as hard with just the same dedication to make the world a good place.

I like someone who is a little crazy but coming from a good place. I think scars are sexy because it means you made a mistake that led to a mess.

I think you have to be much more secure and much less angry to trust the simple. You've got to be in a pretty good place to trust those simple obvious answers and most important to use them.

Greece is a good place for rebirths.

Make good thy standing place and move the world.

If the race is good so is the place.

Women's place is where they can do the most good.

In Philly when it's good there is no better place.

A studio is a good place to smoke your pipe.

A good place to visit but a poor place to stay.

My definition of a good hotel is a place I'd stay at.

Any place is good for eavesdropping if you know how to eavesdrop.

LSU would be a good place to stand during a lightning storm.

So let's start at the very begining (a very good place to start...)

Openness may not completely disarm prejudice but it's a good place to start.

I hate reality but it's still the best place to get a good steak.

When the weather's good there's no better place to be than the British countryside.

The Social Sciences are good at accounting for disasters once they have taken place.

Come to think of it Pasadena's as good a place to die as any.

This is a good place " he said. "There's a lot of liquor " I agreed.

Cyberspace is - or can be - a good friendly and egalitarian place to meet.

A good place can always be found in a place you think there is pain.

A good place to begin is to forgive yourself for judging in the first place.

If you want to be loved be a lovable. It's a good place to start.

Buried under the biggest burden is a good place to find an even bigger blessing.

Wherever it's good whatever strange faraway land let's go there let's stay in that place alone.

I think not knowing what to think of your paintings is a good place to be.

A kitchen is a good place to be almost always the best place in the house.

It was good really that this external world still existed if only as a place of refuge.

Bill Maher can be pretty good except when he gets "important." Maher's all over the place politically.

Surely it was a good way to die in the place of someone else someone I loved.

Prayer is good but when baked potatoes and milk are needed prayer will not supply their place.

Sometimes something good has to be subtracted from our lives before something better can take its place.

We definitely aren't very good at staying in one place. There's not a domesticated bone in my body.

When I took over 'The New Yorker ' there was a very very good smart staff in place.

It's true some wine improves with age. But only if the grapes were good in the first place.

Put away your worries the world is a good and perfect place. It is in fact very easy.

Sharing a bit of yourself opening a window into your own world is a good place to begin.

A good teacher must be able to put himself in the place of those who find learning hard.

Anytime you've played in a place and you get a win against your old team it feels good.

Good writers will indeed do well to imitate the ingenious traveller. . .who always proportions his stay in any place.

My happiness is measured against my kids' happiness - when they're in a good place I feel really good.

Good salespeople sell value and social media is the best place to find this value because of its transparency.

A place does not become good by your physical aspects but by the people who are present in it.

Prison always has been a good place for writers killing as it does the twin demons of mobility and diversion

It's important to not be naive about this world and know that it's not necessarily a good place to be.

Good theatre draws the energies out of the place where it is and gives it back as joie de vivre.

I would strongly recommend any young man to stay away from criminal law. It's not a good place to be unfortunately.

I do think people of good will can have different opinions but still be coming not from a place of malice.

People say you make your best work when in despair but I think happiness is a good place to write from

Ian McEwan is a very good writer; the first half of Atonement alone would ensure him a lasting place in English letters.

The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.There is only one good knowledge and one evil ignorance.

I think that fiction is an excellent place for us to struggle with questions of good and evil and humanity and inhumanity.

Law is good proper and essential in its place but law can save no man nor can law remake man and society.

Life in itself is neither good nor evil it is the place of good and evil according to what you make it.

There ain't a wrong time or a wrong place to flaunt. If you feel good then go on and show it off!

The marketplace tells us that good visceral storytelling has a place. But there are lots of questions about the format that stories take.

In his world people never questioned him. And it was a good place to be his world. Apparently she hadn't gotten the memo.

Mix a little time with some space and suddenly good things fall right into place. No worries don't doubt it - just build!

The corporatization of something as basic and intimate as eating is for many of us today a good place to draw the line.

I do not believe Tony Blair was a fundamentally good man who went bad. I believe he was evil in the first place.

I'm in a space of surrendering and being open and seeing. It's a good place to be - the only place to be.

'Good English' is whatever educated people talk; so that what is good in one place or time would not be so in another.

Some things feel really good to sing: there's a physical aspect but there's more to it - a deeper place you go to.

A lot of cities are making a real effort neighborhood by neighborhood to make themselves into a place where life can be pretty good.

I can imagine Iceland becoming a good place to run a controversial Web site. But... Iceland may find itself forced to defend controversial speech.

I miss the city Bret and I live in Wellington. It's a good place to be creative in the same way New York is.

There is a time and a place for things. Sometimes one needs to put a filter on oneself. That can be a good thing.

I've been writing jokes since I'm fifteen. Not out of happiness but to go to a different place because reality wasn't good to me.

I wouldn't want to stay in any place for longer than 10 years honestly. It's good to travel and see what's happening in the world.

A great many quite good plays could be performed with rhythmic howls in the place of dialogue and lose almost nothing by the change.

A good title holds magic some cognitive dissonance a little grit between the teeth but above all it is the jumping-off place into wonder.

The thing about 'Hold Back The River' that I like is that it's a good starting place and it was the perfect first single.

I have an innate fear of fame. I've never thought being famous looked like such a good place to be. I love being incognito.

If she has six good points and you have one semigood little point place all of the emphasis on your one semigood little point.

Try to see the world from the eyes of an old man! Old eyes are a good place to begin with for understanding the truths!

The ballet of the good city sidewalk never repeats itself from place to place and in any one place is always replete with new improvisations.

In any city or town you can find a good rocking Italian place. The most unhealthy thing on the menu? I'll have two of those!

Politics is an obsolete way of doing things. Although it was good a hundred years ago it has no place in today's high tech society.

If you don't have a spiritual practice in place when times are good you can't expect to suddenly develop one during a moment of crisis.

Coney Island is and always will be 'the people's playground.' It's a place where people of all backgrounds come to have a good time.

You know what? I'm not always in a positive happy place. But I'm able to concentrate enough to come up with a really good song.

A zoo is a good place to make a spectacle of yourself as the people around you have creepier more photogenic things to look at.

Life itself is neither a good nor an evil: life is where good or evil find a place depending on how you make it for them.

I used to come here on my own sometimes... Id' stay down here for ages." Her voice was barely audible. "It's a good place for sadness...

America was to them the place that good people went to when they died. They were prepared to believe just about anything could happen in America.

Was aus Liebe getan wird geschieht immer jenseits von Gut und Böse. (What is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil.)

If we're bringing up kids that are so stupid that they kill themselves because of a song what good are the kids in the first place ?

Every important change in our society for the good at least has taken place because of popular pressure-pressure from below from the great mass of people.

As you begin to look deeply into the mystery of your own evolution in place of good and evil you will find only stories finished or unfinished.

The scent of flowers does not travel against the wind; but the odor of good people travels; even against the wind: a good man pervades every place.

All I needed was a steady table and a typewriter...a marble-topped bedroom washstand table made a good place; the dining-room table between meals was also suitable.

Heaven: A place where the wicked cease from troubling you with talk of their personal affairs and the good listen with attention while you expound on yours.

Remove those 'I want you to like me' stickers from your forehead and instead place them where they truly will do the most good -on your mirror!

A wife domestic good and pure Like snail should keep within her door; But not like snail with silver track Place all her wealth upon her back.

Even if I know I shall never change the masses never transform anything permanent all I ask is that the good things also have their place their refuge.

Ireland is not in a good place at the moment. We have our own humiliation of losing our economic sovereignty and we're now regaining it slowly and painfully.

Politics is a place of humble hopes and strangely modest requirements where all are good who are not criminal and all are wise who are not ridiculously otherwise.

All I want is a modest place in Mr X's Good Reading Miss Y's Good Writing and that new edition of One Thousand Best Bits of Recent Prose.

There is a time and place for being in the limelight. As far as being away from the spotlight well a certain air of exclusivity is always good.

I'm only... I'm only unhappy when the reviews are bad but give me a good review and I'm a... I'm just screaming all over the place with joy.

Schools teach exactly what they are intended to teach and they do it well: how to be a good Egyptian and remain in your place in the pyramid.

I just found this world a hard place to be good in ' says Bunny then he closes his eyes and with an expiration of breath goes still.

The male clerk with his quill pen and copper-plate handwriting had gone for good. The female short-hand typist took his place. It was a decisive moment in women's emancipation.

Effective organizations put people in jobs in which they can do the most good. They place people -- and allow people to place themselves -- according to their strengths.

Ireland sir for good or evil is like no other place under heaven and no man can touch its sod or breathe its air without becoming better or worse.

You can live a good life no matter what's happened to you. And so I don't know. I know there is condemnation but I don't feel that's my place.

Happiness is the only good. The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. The way to be happy is to make others so.

Well "I do" are the two most famous last words. The beginning of the end. But to lose your life for another I've heard is a good place to begin.

I think my heart is in a very good place. And I think this is why I'm achieving what I've been asking to do in the universe for so long.

Wisdom doesn't automatically come with old age.Nothing does --- except wrinkles.It's true some wines improves with age.But only if the grapes were good in the first place

I made an important decision which was to pursue happiness. Rather than accept unhappiness. That's why I'm here and it's great. I'm in a very good place in my life.

When I travel I normally eat club sandwiches or I bring my own food. When you go into a new town it's very had to find a good place to eat.

Wrestling seemed like something I might be good at so I stuck with it and gave it a shot. I ended up in a pretty good place. I was very fortunate.

I was going to middle school in Berkley and I did not fit in at all. Like a lot of kids I found theater to be a good place for me.

I don't know that I have a single comedy philosophy. But talking about things that matter to you is a good place to start. Listening is a big part of it too.

The only really good place to buy lumber is at a store where the lumber has already been cut and attached together in the form of furniture finished and put inside boxes.

I make music because of the love and joy of it and I try to make music to take you to a feel-good place and remind you that maybe there's a brighter day.

I was never a leading man. I've always been in the outer concentric circles in the company being a character actor which is a good place to be. It gives you that diversity.

I don't feel I have to write deep and meaningful songs; they can be light and meaningless. It has to do with the place I am in my life a really good place.

I was a little uh incorrigible as a kid so the kitchen was a good place to give me structure and balance. It taught me hard work but then I grew to love it.

Light to me stands for Living In Gods Heavenly Thoughts. That's a good place to live. That is what influenced me to tell stories in light and that happened to be movies and plays.

Actually I very much dislike routine. Creating music is my chaos therapy. The writing process puts me in a good place. Recording the music is the release of however I felt in the song.

Obviously everybody wants to see Tiger [Woods] come back but I think it's in a really good place with how much talent is out there and the exciting finishes you have week in week out.

He is very dry but also very funny... I think people tend to feel odd when I do my act. Unless you are an ironic person it's not a good place for you to be.

Sometimes you're not in the best environment. Sometimes you're not speaking the same language and it's not a good place to work. It's a lot to give actually. And for not a lot of money.

I feel like weed is still taboo enough to be cool but not taboo enough that you have to totally hide it which is like a pretty good place for an entity to be at.

How do you walk from one place to another? What makes you want to walk someplace? Any place that you want to get out of your car and walk is a good place by definition.

How do you make your company a good place to work in general? That's a really really really large and complex set of skills. A lot of it is on-the-job training combined with excellent mentorship.