Fifty Year Olds Quotes

Fifty years old 212 fights and I'm still pretty.

When Sleeping Beauty wakes up she is almost fifty years old

Change excites me. I am fifty years old. It's when the mind catches up with the body.

I won't be able to do what I'm doing forever. There aren't that many scripts floating around for fifty-year-old chicks.

And do you know a funny thing? I'm almost fifty years old and I've never understood anything in my whole life.

I always said marriage should be a fifty-fifty proposition. He should be at least fifty years old and have at least fifty-million dollars.

It is a very wonderful experience indeed when at fifty years old you suddenly discover that for the first time in your life you are really free to be yourself.

I'm not really sure what makes a book a 'classic' to begin with but I think it has to be at least fifty years old and some person or animal has to die at the end.

When you're a fifty-year-old woman no one really bothers to look at you anymore much less value your opinion. It's hard on the old ego. But damn it does make it easy to get away with a lot.