Drained Quotes

London that great cesspool into which all the loungers and idlers of the Empire are irresistibly drained.

This house better get cleaned up in six months. The swamp is going to have to be drained pretty quickly.

The bleached ceilings walls and floors gleam in perfection. Drained of color wiped of contamination forever untainted they exist; a cold reminder of my purity.

Stegosaurus was common only on well drained dry soil.

When I act I come away drained. When I write I come away energized.

The only living works are those which have drained much of the author's own life into them.

I've learned to surround myself with women who lift me up and leave me feeling nurtured rather than drained.

Toward the end of the Olympics you get physically tired and drained. And no matter how much rest you have your body is tired.

The needs of babies and toddlers were constant and drained the life out my sense of self and my family's relationship with each other.

For too long unfunded federal mandates have drained the budgets of states and communities. The strength and vitality of our communities must be restored.

We have drained common sense out of our politics. The more we focus on tactics and games the more good people check out and give up.

The solitude of writing is a solitude without which writing could not be produced or would crumble drained bloodless by the search for something else to write.

As caretakers we feel drained when caring for another and in order to take care of someone else we need to take care of ourselves at the same time.

The hiatus you spoke about happened in 1998. I was somewhat numb from being out on the road every night. I had to stop because I was emotionally and physically drained.

In tennis you can make a couple of mistakes and still win. Not in golf. I played three rounds in that Tahoe event and I was drained. Mentally not physically.

The '90s were a time of building for me. Building a life that was sober drained of harmful wasteful excess and manufacturing in its place a family of my own.

By the time the children go to bed I am as drained as any mother who has spent her day working car pooling building Lego castles and shopping for the precisely correct soccer cleat.

I hate it when people slag us off. We had done three tours during 1970 and we finished off feeling we had just about had enough. We had done so much in that short space of time we were drained.

You are drained by foolish actions and others.

I felt white drained of blood cared for purified. Peaceful.

Fear was my father Father Fear. His look drained the stones.

Venice would be a fine city if it were only drained.

The past is always attractive because it is drained of fear.

Friends fly away when the cask has been drained to the dregs.

Comfort is beauty muted by heroin. Sadness is beauty drained by lack of it.

Never be bored. Energy lives off of attention. When you are bored you get drained.

America needed recovery not revenge. The hate had to be drained and the healing begun.

Though introverts are drained by interaction we can take immense pleasure in watching the scene around us.

Fair Game Theory: If you are dumb enough to be drained by people then you are fair game.

When the cup of any sensual pleasure is drained to the bottom there is always poison in the dregs.

You have to be careful that in giving energy you do not allow yourself to be excessively drained or used.

The soup thin and dark and utterly savorless tasted as if it had been drained out of the umbrella stand.

At the end of the day after a few speeches and a lot of campaign stops I'm more energized than drained.

When we feel too drained to move forward God is right there with us ready to tenderly revive and restore us.

The needs of babies and toddlers were constant and drained the life out my sense of self and my familys relationship with each other.

I hope I'll keep people up at night unable to stop turning pages. That's my goal: exhausted emotionally drained readers who can't stop crying.

Use your energy for good and it will be replenished with more good energy use you energy for bad and your energy will be drained.

It's somewhat of a normal procedure sometimes when you have a knee drained... so long as it's not something you have to do every game.

The most powerful force to maintaining a good immune system is the power of positive thinking and not allowing yourself to be unnecessarily drained emotionally by worries and fears.

People can insert thoughts into your mind. This is more dangerous for psychic people. Use concentration exercises and read to combat this; boredom is an easy way to be drained.

Even as a child even as my blood-past was drained from me I understood that if I were strong enough to accept it I was being offered a second history.

Who has time for toxic relationships? If someone isn't honoring your feelings it's not a real relationship. If you feel drained after spending time with someone that's a red flag!

There is a killer in every cowardly man waiting for the right set of circumstances when the time has been drained of the possibility of reprisals and he feels free to act.

After all those neurochemicals are drained out it takes a while for them to replenish so on the back end of flow state...I can barely string sentences together. I become stupid.

Money equals the ability to be mobile in this word to travel to live in a place that is suitable to not be brought down or drained to not to be a victim.

I ultimately decided that I couldn't beat it more than three times a day (I) was just too drained and chapped. That's what Radiohead is about. You're just drained and chapped down there.

Once the forest has been removed and the swamp starts being drained that organic matter begins to oxidise and give off continuing emissions. It's sort of like the goose that keeps on giving.

When I do work I get so much done in such a concentrated time that once Iâ??m through a series Iâ??m so drained I donâ??t want to get near the camera.