Doing The Extraordinary Quotes

Occasionally if you do something extraordinary the crew responds with spontaneous applause but that's very rare.

I like examining the ordinary and by doing so one hopefully reveals the extraordinary nature within.

The ballets you do make you into the final product you are. And I had extraordinary partners.

I think it's the most extraordinary studio around. I would love to do my next project with Pixar.

It's very strong after the birth. It's extraordinary. You can't watch anything to do with kids being harmed.

I think what I like to do is to begin with the ordinary and find the extraordinary in it.

One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man.

The true call of a Christian is not to do extraordinary things but to do ordinary things in an extraordinary way.

The idea is to take the most ordinary things and make them extraordinary as Gerard Manley Hopkins does in his poems.

I think if I just do what I do every day on the extraordinary Olympic stage I could be a podium contender.

You can't always do the extraordinary in between you have to do the ordinary. Because if you didn't what would constitute the extraordinary?

The special forces gave me the self-confidence to do some extraordinary things in my life. Climbing Everest then cemented my belief in myself.

One of the reasons why I decided to participate in 'HawthoRNe' was I really wanted the opportunity to show how ordinary people do extraordinary things.

Men killing other men really is an extraordinary phenomenon. Why does it happen? And how long has it gone on? And have the motives changed?

If you look at people that have survived crashing in the mountains and lived up in the snow for 40 days - it's possible to do extraordinary feats.

The real art is not to come up with extraordinary clever words but to make ordinary simple words do extraordinary things. To use the language that we all use and to make amazing things occur.

Success is doing ordinary things extraordinary well.

There's ordinary people out there doing extraordinary things.

...ordinary people are capable of doing truly extraordinary things.

I am just an ordinary person committed to doing extraordinary things.

Ordinary people are capable of doing extraordinary things and that's what it's all about. They must count.

By doing ordinary actions efficiently you will become the best among ordinary but you will not be an extraordinary.

I did stories about unexpected encounters back roads small towns and ordinary folk sometimes doing something a little extraordinary.

I did make some money the first money that I ever made doing this last one and it's an extraordinary feeling just being given the freedom to do something.

Buckminster Fuller was one of those world historic geniuses who reminded us of the extraordinary things that are possible and inspires all of us to set about doing them!