Deconstruction Quotes

Deconstruction insists not that truth is illusory but that it is institutional.

Deconstruction is great for the intellect but it hurts the heart terribly.

Cartooning is about deconstruction: you gotta tear something down to make a joke.

Deconstruction glorifies the critic humiliates the author and makes the reader wonder why he bothered.

Deconstruction: peering suspiciously at the text I wait for it to make a slip and betray itself.

I always wanted to put a sign up on the road to Yale saying 'Beware: Deconstruction Ahead.'

Deconstruction never had meaning or interest at least in my eyes than as a radicalization that is to say also within the tradition of a certain Marxism in a certain spirit of Marxism .

The Last Five Years' was a musical in 2002 and it's a deconstruction of a marriage.

Other people's deconstruction of your motivations doesn't help you do what you do. You can't swallow and think about swallowing at the same time.

Pastors must practice a two-fold program of cultural engagement: deconstruction and demystification of cultural idols and reconstruction and re-enchantment of a gospel-shaped worldview.

I'm telling you I could teach at a university [George] Carlin a whole semester. The construction and deconstruction of the words the language the order.

I think the purpose of deconstruction is to take something apart and see how it works. If you're not going to put it back together again and watch it go what's the point?