Changing Religion Quotes

What use is revelation or religion if it doesnt change anything?

I always say that people should not rush to change religions. There is real value in finding the spiritual resources you need in your home religion.

Violence and religion have often gone together but it's not a perfect correlation and it doesn't have to be a permanent connection because religions themselves change.

We first fought... in the name of religion then Communism and now in the name of drugs and terrorism. Our excuses for global domination always change.

Religions cannot change you. If you are angry you will become an angry Muslim or Hindu. If you are righteous you will become a righteous Christian or Jew.

If our love of God does not directly influence and even change how we engage in the issues of our time on this earth I wonder what good religion is.

I am a huge fan of capitalism and a huge fan of entrepreneurship and changing the world with technology and with entrepreneurship. Capitalism is awesome. To me capitalism is my religion.

Many of us saw religion as harmless nonsense. Beliefs might lack all supporting evidence but we thought if people needed a crutch for consolation where's the harm? September 11th changed all that.

I'm grateful for believing in a religion that can naturally adapt to changing times yet uphold timeless values and principles.

I always tell my Western friends that it is best to keep your own tradition. Changing religion is not easy and sometimes causes confusion. You must value your tradition and honor your own religion.