Chalk Quotes

Girls in scripts are often pretty but brainless or geeky and no one likes them so it's great to find richer roles. Chalk and cheese aspects of people are very interesting to play.

Want to know the best thing about being a professor? Colored chalk.

Teachers can change lives with just the right mix of chalk and challenges.

It's very hard to self-motivate without someone standing over you snarling ready to hurl the chalk at your head at the slightest slackening.

I chalk up the fact that I got diabetes to my body saying 'Dude you have been doing wrong for way too long!'

All the American women had purple noses and gray lips and their faces were chalk white from terrible powder. I recognized that the United States could be my life's work.

But I listen to live recordings of things that I did back in the '70s and then how I've done things since. And there's no doubt about it: if I compare the two it's like chalk and cheese.

When we draw on the tablet the drawing shows up on the computer screen. If we have chosen to tell the computer that the stylist is to behave like a piece of chalk or a pen or a wet brush it will.

Grace means we can put the chalk away and stop keeping score!

I was white. Chalk had more color than I did. And quite possibly more personality.

There is no past or future. Using tenses to divide time is like making chalk marks on water.

I love it when the dark bottle of night spills out and the Moon writes in chalk about us.

Just as chalk can be removed from a chalkboard with sincere repentance the effects of our transgression can be erased through the atonement of Jesus Christ.

There are times of great beauty on a coffee farm. When the plantation flowered in the beginning of the rains it was a radiant sight like a cloud of chalk in the mist of the drizzling rain.

Every time I say something they find hard to hear they chalk it up to my anger and never to their own fear.

I was never a good-looking bloke. Not by a long chalk.

Deliverance is about what I went through the first time. And I chalk it up as a learning experience.

Since the day of the air the old frontiers are gone. When you think of the defense of England you no longer think of the chalk cliffs of Dover; you think of the Rhine.

Touring with Yes was generally great fun and I got on well with the rest of the guys but we were like chalk and cheese in many respects. I was unique in the band as a card-carrying Conservative.

A prettiness mummified by years of chalk dust.

I wish my days could be washed away like the chalk lines of my days.

Music is the chalk to the blackboard of life. Without it everything is a blank slate

Don't talk the talk if you can't walk the walk Phony niggaz are outlined in chalk

After we made love he took a piece of chalk and made an outline of my body.

There is a chalk outline slowly being drawn around common sense and most people can't identify the victim.

I'm happy and content in my life and I chalk that up to wonderful parents and a wonderful God.

People in Washington seem as hypnotized by precedence as though they were hens with their beaks on a chalk line.

Twin miracles of mascara her eyes looked like the corpses of two small crows that had crashed into a chalk cliff.

This has been done elegantly by Minkowski; but chalk is cheaper than grey matter and we will do it as it comes.

If seeing her an hour before her lastWeak cough into all blackness I could yetBe held by chalk-white walls- The Consumptive. Belsen 1945

When one is five-and-twenty one has not chalk-stones at one's finger-ends that the touch of a handsome girl should be entirely indifferent.

When a bad experience happens you just chalk it up to the great fact that you just got five more jokes in the show.

If reality is as equally valuable as fiction then you should just chalk up the parts of the past you don't need to your imagination

The piano may do for love-sick girls who lace themselves to skeletons and lunch on chalk pickles and slate pencils but give me the banjo.

I don't think I'm good in bed. My husband never said anything but after we made love he'd take a piece of chalk and outline my body.

The taste of chalk. The sun lays its copper thumbs on my eyelids. The radio plays the monologue of a dog. What is the formula for tomorrow?

The bread I eat in London is a deleterious paste mixed up with chalk alum and bone ashes: insipid to the taste and destructive to the constitution.

In the end we're all just chalk lines on the concrete Drawn only to be washed away For the time that I've been given I am what I am

Have you ever had something happen to you that there was simply no explanation for? That you can't chalk up to a coincidence or an accident or even fate?

But I don't understand God. I don't understand how he could see the way people treat one another and not chalk up the whole human race as a bad idea.

Instead of boiling up individuals into the species I would draw a chalk circle round every individuality and preach to it to keep within that and preserve and cultivate its identity.

My most memorable adventure was investigating the chalk cliffs in Yorkshire. While clambering over kelp-covered boulders half-covered by the sea I fell and smashed my tail bone on one of them.

The educated horse is a thinking horse and it seems that he understands every now and then something happens that he must chalk up as a mistake and be done with it.

Okay. Now you have to move your arms and legs." "I know how to make a snow angel." "Then do it! Otherwise you're more like a chalk outline at a police crime scene.