Bradbury Quotes

Yeah I loved Ray Bradbury.

I enjoyed reading all the classic authors like Isaac Asimov and Bradbury.

I was warped early by Ray Bradbury and Edgar Allan Poe. I was very fond of Franz Kafka.

Ray Bradbury is one who is contributing to the understanding of the imagination and the curiosity of the human race.

The folks I read as a kid really set me up. I owe a huge debt to Ray Bradbury and Madeleine L'Engle.

Any conversation including the mention of Roald Dahl Ray Bradbury or Emily Dickinson is one worth getting into or at least eavesdropping.

I read a bit of Ray Bradbury when I was a younger man. I don't read a lot of fiction anymore... like none.

Ray Bradbury was not ahead of his time. He was perfectly of his time and more than that: he created his time and left his mark on the time that followed.

In Los Angeles you get the sense sometimes that there's a mysterious patrol at night: when the streets are empty and everyone's asleep they go erasing the past. It's like a bad Ray Bradbury story.

If you don't care about science enough to be interested in it on its own you shouldn't try to write hard science fiction. You can write like Ray Bradbury and Harlan Ellison as much as you want.

A ton of Proust isn't worth an ounce of Ray Bradbury.

Most people know that Ray Bradbury is one of my favorite authors.

In "Faithful " Ray Bradbury is discussed a lot. The characters read "The Illustrated Man.

I thought I was going to be a horror story writer. My influences were horror writers like Rich Matheson Ray Bradbury and Bram Stoker.

Then you have people coming up like Malcolm Bradbury a relatively young writer who deals with the academic scene and deals with it I think brilliantly.

I read everything of Ray Bradbury when I was 12 or 13 and I think that's the most effective time to read Bradbury. He built such a moral world where you have to make decisions and grow up.