An Impossible Love Quotes

I've never met a person who exaggerated God's love. Never. It's impossible.

You want to love everyone equally and that's worse than impossible--it's wrong.

It is impossible not to love someone who makes toast for you.

With love in the heart and kindness in the mind nothing is impossible.

When love is your power and imagination is your guide nothing is impossible.

Without the love of a woman it is impossible to have a manly world.

It is impossible to repent of love. The sin of love does not exist.

It is impossible for any woman to love her children twenty-four hours a day.

In the face of impossible odds people who love this country can change it.

It is impossible to live without love. You must have the feeling of being loved.

It is impossible to love a second time what we have really ceased to love.

Woman is born for love and it is impossible to turn her from seeking it.

Everyone is in love with the impossible; the impossible gives you neverending dreams and neverending hopes.

Then Mission Impossible brought me to Australia and that was great because I fell in love.

I believe the impossible is possible to overcome I believe in miracles Born from love in everyone

It is difficult to divest one's self of vanity; because impossible to divest one's self of self-love.

What I am proudest of is having a life where work and love are impossible to tell apart.

God loves with a great love the man whose heart is bursting with a passion for the impossible.

It is not enough to dream of the Impossible Love - it is necessary to conquer it too.

I love New York; I love the city. It's impossible. It's a theme park of a city isn't it.

It is impossible to comfort men's hearts with the love of God when their feet are perishing with cold.

Love brings you face to face with your self. It's impossible to love another if you cannot love yourself.

Prayer and love are learned in the hour when prayer becomes impossible and the heart has turned to stone.

Impossible not to imagine the dead observing us. Our love for them a soft shimmering gossamar that trails behind us.

Wanting to transform the World it is impossible without the blaze of love. Only love can truly transform the World.

If you don't love yourself it's impossible for you to love others. You can't give away what you don't have.

When you are in love you do all sorts of crazy impossible things with and for the person you love.

It seems impossible that you can love one person so much no matter what happens no matter what they do.

It is impossible that a fish doesn't carry any smell of the sea and a real love of the melancholy!

We can sometimes love what we do not understand but it is impossible completely to understand what we do not love.

Gary Oldman is impossible to steal a movie from. He's such a great actor he's off the hook. I love him.

When you're at peace with yourself and love your self it is virtually impossible to do things to yourself that are destructive.

He remembered his mother's love for him and his family's and his friends' and the enemy's intention to kill him seemed impossible.

I think that in many ways just as forgiveness is impossible without love sometimes love requires forgiveness for it to work too.

Don't let nobody tell you that you can't do it. Love what you do until you don't love it anymore. Nothing's impossible.

It would be impossible to "love" anyone or anything one knew completely. Love is directed towards what lies hidden in its object.

It is impossible to fulfill the law concerning love for Me God eternal apart from the law concerning love for your neighbors.

When you trip over love it is easy to get up. But when you fall in love it is impossible to stand again.

We should like those whom we love to receive all their happiness or if this were impossible all their unhappiness from our hands.

I think it's impossible to really understand somebody what they want what they believe and not love them the way they love themselves.

If you try you will find it impossible to do one great thing. You can only do many small things with great love.

Home is Where the Heart Is Good Friends Are Hard to Find and Impossible to Forget. True Love is Born from Hard Times.

Show me how to love the unlovable Show me how to reach the unreachable Help me now to do the impossible...Fo rgiveness

It is very difficult it is perhaps impossible for someone who loves his mother to love the woman whom your father left her for.

It all comes down to who is by your side and who is willing to stand up for love even when it seems impossible.

You know what you are actually in love with? Integrity. The impossible. The clean consistent reasonable self-faithful the all-of-one-style like a work of art.

A skirt is no obstacle to extemperaneous sex but it is physically impossible to make love to a girl while she is wearing trousers.

I have a couple of thousand books in my personal library. Choosing a favorite is next to impossible. But I do love the written word.

If you are love with the perfect prepare to see it swept away. If you are able to dream of the impossible it just might happen.

To love our enemy is impossible. The moment we understand our enemy we feel compassion towards him/her and he/she is no longer our enemy.

I love all my Wrights and it would be impossible to say which one I love more but if you really pushed me it would be Joe.

It is impossible for a man to love his wife whole heartedly without loving all women somewhat. I suppose that the converse must be true of women.

I get paid to do the thing I love most and maybe that makes blending into the crowd impossible sometimes but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

I get paid to do the thing I love most and maybe that makes blending into the crowd impossible sometimes but I wouldnt trade it for the world.

The essential building block is...the true love that is impossible to define for those who have never experienced it and unnecessary to define for those who have.

When you do what you love the seemingly impossible becomes simply challenging the laborious becomes purposeful resistance the difficult loses its edge and is trampled by your progress.

It is impossible not to love someone who makes toast for you....Once the warm salty butter has hit your tongue you are smitten. Putty in their hands.

Love between man and man is impossible because there must not be sexual intercourse and friendship between man and woman is impossible because there must be sexual intercourse.

It is impossible to pray for someone without loving him and impossible to go on praying for him without discovering that our love for him grows and matures.

And there lies the horror: the past we remember is devoid of time. Impossible to reexperience a love the way we reread a book or resee a film.

Resignation not mystic not detached but resignation open-eyed conscious and informed by love is the only one of our feelings for which it is impossible to become a sham.

it's just that I see love as odd as wearing shoes-- I never wanted to marry a girl who was like my mother And Ingrid Bergman was always impossible

There are many lessons to learn. Naming just one is next to impossible. However learning to love and be loved is a good starting point. It will encompass much.

I strongly wish for what I faintly hope; like the daydreams of melancholy men I think and think in things impossible yet love to wander in that golden maze.

Everyone wishes to be loved but in the event nearly no one can bear it. Everyone desires love but also finds it impossible to believe that he deserves it.

For you it is possible to do anything; the only thing impossible for you to do is to do wrong inasmuch as you are knowledge and justice and love.

For the Warrior there is no such thing as an impossible love.

Love is an emotion that is based on an opinion of women that is impossible for those who have had any experience with them.

The god of love lives in a state of need. It is a need. It is an urge. It is a homeostatic imbalance. Like hunger and thirst it's almost impossible to stamp out.

God to redeem us at the deepest portion of our nature - the urge to love and be loved - must reveal His nature in an incredible and impossible way. He must reveal it at a cross.

Love is an impossible concept.

Love without conversation is impossible.

Nothing is impossible for pure love.

Love is impossible without bite marks.

With love and patience nothing is impossible.

I love those who yearn for the impossible.

For 'tis impossible Hate to return with love.

It is impossible to love deeply without sacrifice.

It is impossible to manufacture or imitate love.

Unconditional love is love regardless anything; attainable or impossible.

Love gives us the strength to perform impossible tasks.

It is impossible to love and to be wise.

Friendship and love are impossible without a mutual vulnerability.

Forgiveness is indifference. Forgiveness is impossible while love lasts.

It is impossible to love God without loving our neighbor.

It was impossible not to fall in love with him.

Love creates bridges where it would seem they were impossible.

True love is impossible for those to whom principles mean little.

My love of soft runny cheese - it's impossible to resist.