Adorable Quotes

You can draw a penguin on a toilet reading The New York Times and it's adorable but try doing it with an adult male character and it's disgusting.

I place my trust in You O adorable Blood our Redemption our regeneration. Fall drop by drop into the hearts that have wandered from You and soften their hardness.

Mary found again in the adorable Host the adorable fruit of her womb... and began in the Cenacle her new maternity at the feet of Jesus in the Eucharist

Look at His adorable face. Look at His glazed and sunken eyes. Look at His wounds. Look Jesus in the Face. There you will see how He loves us.

One thing I have always been is too short. It's adorable when you're in junior high. After that it's a pain in the ass for the rest of your life.

A lot of my hair stylists and my beauty team that I work with are gay so I hang out with gays a lot and I just think they're adorable and hilarious.

Nikki "Brandon's never hurt anyone. He's competely sweet and adorable." I choked a little on the sip of sparkling water I'k just swallowed. If Brandon was sweet and adorable I was Satan's bride.

People think that I'm tough and strong and that I kicked my way through everything. But they are wrong. The truth is that when I was young I was adorable and a trembling wreck.

Every time you come in from cheating on someone they'll just whip out the most adorable term of endearment. Like they'll wake up bright and early sleep in their eyes and say: "Hey perfect.

Let's face it we were all once three-year-olds who stood in the middle of the living room and everybody thought we were so adorable. Only some of us grow up and get paid for it.

Sarah Palin. Remember Sarah Palin? She is adorable. She is back on the campaign trail. Really. She's going to campaign in the Senate runoff in Georgia. As soon as she finds out where Georgia is.

Adorable children are considered to be the general property of the human race. Rude children belong to their mothers.

I find Mormons adorable.

Thin people are beautiful but fat people are adorable.

Lena Horne is the sweetest and most adorable woman in the world.

He's a very strange guy my father. I can't get mad at him because he's so adorable.

When grace is joined with wrinkles it is adorable. There is an unspeakable dawn in happy old age.

I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being skin deep. That's deep enough. What do you want an adorable pancreas?

I'm healthy have a loving and adorable family great hunting dogs a gravity defying musical career and most importantly fuzzy-headed idiots hate me.

My generation was not only maligned in book reviews and attacked in graduate school but we lived to see our adored and adorable daughters wonder why feminism had become a dirty word.

Why can't I be the adorable one?

I'm Adorable. I Look like Keira Knightley Running Errands!

I've made forty-three pictures. Naturally I'm adorable in all of them.

No matter how much I try I cant figure out how to not be adorable!

My mother was adorable a great giggler. My father was very strong and could be quite frightening.

I would like to see anyone prophet king or God convince a thousand cats to do the same thing at the same time.

Upon receiving Holy Communion the Adorable Blood of Jesus Christ really flows in our veins and His Flesh is really blended with ours.

The monster licked his lips long lines of whiskers twitching and spoke in a deep growl. "Pretty aren't I?" Curran. In midform. I broke from his gaze. "Adorable.

I'd like to have money. And I'd like to be a good writer. These two can come together and I hope they will but if that's too adorable I'd rather have money.

May God enable me to have a single eye and a simple heart desiring to please God to do good to my fellow creatures and testify my gratitude to my adorable Redeemer.

Well in the book Carrie was my alter ego. In real life Sarah Jessica and I don't look anything alike. But people do say that we sound alike. Sarah Jessica is an adorable girl and she is very funny.

I really want to work with Emma Stone; she is adorable.

Emma Watson is adorable in the extreme. She is such a lovely person.

I know what it's like to have my heart broken. It is not adorable.

I don't want to have to be pretty. I don't want to have to be adorable.

A segregated spiritual subculture does women no good even if it does have adorable butterflies in the logo.

I think my cat is adorable and I probably give it too much fresh chicken. Maybe if I had a child I'd be giving the chicken to the child.

I hated the Naked Chef. Fine yes he did good things for school food or whatever but you know I don't want my chefs to be cute and adorable.

John F. Kennedy brought style and charisma to the White House and a first family that captivated the country: a handsome witty president an elegant first lady and two adorable young children.

Children are adorable.

She looked creepy/adorable.

Children are lovable and adorable.

America is an adorable woman chewing tobacco.

You think you're funny? I think I'm adorable.

I should probably never describe myself as adorable.

Be adorable always to each other; respect is everlasting.

Oh! full Surrey twilight! importunate band! Oh! strongly adorable tennis-girl's hand!

Gotta love speaking to the mother. What a unique and adorable woman.

As hard as I've tried I don't know how not to be adorable.

You ran away from an adorable Irishman who wanted to se you naked?

Indulgence is lovely in the sinless; toleration adorable in the pious and believing heart.

Women are most adorable when they are afraid; that's why they frighten so easily.

You sell yourself. The part that I sell is the creature. The adorable part.

Kelly Clarkson is the most adorable person on the planet. She is just so nice.

John Waters is one of the sweetest dearest most adorable men I've ever worked with.

I collect pictures of adorable puppies on my phone. I have little room for anything else.

Ah babies! They're more than just adorable little creatures on whom you can blame your farts.

You are adorable mademoiselle. I study your feet with the microscope and your soul with the telescope.

Shakira is a new friend but I love her dearly already. She's so sweet and adorable and hilarious.

We must never be discouraged or give way to anxiety. . . but ever have recourse to the adorable Heart of Jesus.

Look dear! How adorable. When pop music tries its very hardest it can be almost as good as Sven Hassel.

Too late. Iâ??ve already seen the blush. Stop trying to hide it from me. I think itâ??s adorable.

I wish I could pass my life at the foot of the holy tabernacles in which our adorable Saviour dwells.

A dog is adorable and noble a dog is a true and loving friend. A dog is also a hedonist.

The most magical moments for me come from the little ones in elementary school. They ask adorable and meaningful questions.

I find Mormons adorable. I love Disneyland and old musicals and to me Mormonism fits right in with all of that.

I had to admit it was adorable. You know in a unicorns-farting-out-rainbows kind of way that made me want to hurl.

What makes you adorable is how much you're able to contribute towards the improvement of the lives of people around you

If a face like Ingrid Bergman's looks at you as though you're adorable everybody does. You don't have to act very much.

I love the Oscars. All sorts of tacky people win. And watching everyone run up and down those aisles is just adorable.

Better and sweeter than health or friends or money or fame or ease or prosperity is the adorable will of our God.

The first book I fell in love with was 'Little Toot ' the story of an adorable tugboat operating out of New York Harbor.

I am now scowling.""You are. And its adorable. But only in small doses.""Well we cannot all be ridiculously jolly like you.""Ah but we should.

I don't know if you get anything more adorable than a tiny pig eating an apple. And here's a fun fact. This is how you make apple-smoked bacon.

[On Hillary Rodham Clinton:] She always looks so adorable and she's intrepid; she's the biggest bargain America ever got bigger than that Louisiana Purchase from my French friends.

I have so many girl crushes it changes all the time. I love Catherine Zeta Jones she's so beautiful Lucy Liu Jennifer Aniston and Zooey Deschanel; she's adorable.