Wayne Shorter Quotes

I always think of music as interior decoration. So if you have all kinds of music you are fully decorated!

Music is interior decoration.

A series of vibrations. What does it matter the source of the catalyst?

Clouds float in the same pattern only once.

Composing is improvisation slowed down.

I'm learning more about life when I'm playing too and writing music. I'm learning more about life the connection.

No one really knows how to deal with the unexpected. How do you rehearse the unknown?

You're like the girl who left her shadow in the drawer but when she went to get it it wasn't there.

It's making a statement about what life is really. And I'm going to end the line with it.

In an inconspicuous way Gretchen Parlato knows how to play the same instrument that Frank Sinatra played. There's no one out there like Gretchen.

To hell with the rules. I'm going for the unknown.

Your humanity is your instrument.

If all you have is music then you don't have music

Play and write music the way you want the world to be.

Jazz shouldn't have any mandates. Jazz is not supposed to be something that's required to sound like jazz. For me the word 'jazz' means 'I dare you.'