Walter Munk Quotes

People should treat the oceans like we do anything else that we care about - with consideration with care and affection. That's it. For that we must educate.

We must have the hope to be able to succeed.

The amount of water on the planet does not change only its quality.

We have to work together to do a better job than we did in the last few generations.

It's important that you work on things that you care about and do a good job and not be too worried about consequences. Don't be afraid to get involved.

We have to have more consideration for people who have lesser means than we do. It is a problem of survival.

Fresh water is like a fossil fuel; we should not waste it.

More and more students are playing it safe and not taking any risks. You might not succeed but that's just part of the game.

We still have hope; it is what keeps us going.