Walter M. Miller Jr. Quotes

Because a doubt is not a denial. Doubt is a powerful tool and it should be applied to history.

Men must fumble awhile with error to separate it from truth I think- as long as they don't seize the error hungrily because it has a pleasanter taste.

Bless me Father I ate a lizard.

Soon the sun will set'- is that prophecy? No it's merely an assertion of faith in the consistency of events.

Listen my dear Cors why don't you forgive God for allowing pain? If He didn't allow it human courage bravery nobility and self-sacrifice would all be meaningless things.

When Holy Church occasionally hinted that she still considered her authority to be supreme over all nations and superior to the authority of states men in these times tended to snicker.

It is said that water is for cattle and farmers that milk is for children and blood for men.

But neither infinite power nor infinite wisdom could bestow godhood upon men. For that there would have to be infinite love as well.

....Nature imposes nothing on you that Nature doesn't prepare you to bear.

When you tire of living change itself seems evil does it not? for then any change at all disturbs the deathlike peace of the life-weary.

... for no change comes calmly over the world...

That's where all of us are standing now he thought. On the fat kindling of past sins.

Speak up destiny speak up! Destiny always seems decades away but suddenly it's not decades away; it's right now. But maybe destiny is always right now right here right this very instant maybe.

I'm not so sure he's mad Father. Just a little devious in his sanity.

The trouble with being a priest was that you eventually had to take the advice you gave to others.

One should be embarrassed to speak of God in the third person. abuse the intellect for reasons of pride vanity or escape from responsibility is the fruit of that same tree.

They don't think up questions like that on the basis of what might be true; they concoct the questions on the basis of what might be sensational if it just happened to be true.

Ask for an omen then stone it when it comes -- de essentia hominum.