Walker Evans Quotes

Photography is not cute cats nor nudes motherhood or arrangements of manufactured products. Under no circumstances it is anything ever anywhere near a beach.

That's my idea of what a portrait ought to be anonymous and documentary and a straightforward picture of mankind.

You see a document has use whereas art is really useless. Therefore art is never a document although it can adopt that style.

The eye traffics in feelings not in thoughts.

What America needs is a political revolution.

The meaning of quality in photography's best pictures lies written in the language of vision. That language is learned by chance not system.

... nature photographs downright bore me for some reason or other. I think: 'Oh yes. Look at that sand dune. What of it?'

In order to put meaning back into our lives we should recognize illusions for what they are and we should reach out and touch the fabric of reality.

Nobody should touch a Polaroid [camera] until he's over sixty

The secret of photography is the camera takes on the character and personality of the handler.

It's easy to photograph light reflecting from a surface the truly hard part is capturing the light in the air.

Documentary: That's a sophisticated and misleading word. And not really clearâ?¦ The term should be documentary styleâ?¦ You see a document has use whereas art is really useless.

I think there is a period of esthetic discovery that happens to a man and he can do all sorts of things at white heat.

Whether he is an artist or not the photographer is a joyous sensualist for the simple reason that the eye traffics in feelings not in thoughts.

Stare pry listen eavesdrop. Die knowing something. You are not here long.

It's the way to educate your eyes. Stare. Pry listen eavesdrop. Die knowing something. You are not here long.

It is the way to educate your eye and more. Stare pry listen eavesdrop.

It's too presumptuous and naïve to think you can change society by a photograph or anything else... I equate that with propaganda; I think that's a lower rank of purpose.

Good photography is unpretentious.

I used to try to figure out precisely what I was seeing all the time until I discovered I didn't need to. If the thing is there why there it is.