Victoria Jackson Quotes

When you go on an audition it's very frightening.

Religion is man's attempt to bind himself back to a relationship with God.

I think abortion is murder.

I've never been in the music industry only acting.

It was the best job I ever had. I just left because my whole team was leaving and the new guys were coming.

There was a lot of Southern Baptist preachers and some yelling ones but mostly we had a pastor who didn't scream and I found a lot of comfort and joy and peace as a child hearing the Bible.

That's pretty much why I went into show business because I wanted to have a guitar and sing unaccompanied that was like my fantasy of the perfect life.

The bottom line of Hollywood is money.

Maybe if I could ever be a successful comedian then I could be an example that Christians can also have fun.

I watch Glenn Beck and he's taught me well. Progressive is the new word for Communist

It doesn't make your life stop being fun to be a Christian.

I cried when I heard Johnny Carson died.

I think the reason they cast me as the good girls is because they couldn't find any in Hollywood.

Are Christians too stupid that we can't write a script we can't film a movie OR we don't know how to act?

I remember going to church about four times a week. I liked it a lot.

I thought it was a really good contrast to have a really sweet sincere church girl sitting next to the church lady who seemed kind of you know over the top.

I got a gymnastics scholarship to college fell in love with my true love of my whole life - who I'm married to now - and he was a virgin too. It was very romantic.

There's a communist living in the White House!

I stayed a virgin until I was 23. I didn't do drugs or drink or smoke.

It's in the Bible. God created it. He did not create gay marriage. He created man and woman marriage -- duh!

Now I don't mind making fun of those preachers who steal money from people they kind of deserve it.

I always dreamed of being Maria in The Sound of Music.

So finally I came up with a thing that felt really pure and I'm Christian so when I hear about death I have a lot of hope because I believe in Jesus and life after death and John 3:16.

I don't feel any part of religion. I think the Bible is God's gift of salvation that He gave me because I trusted in Him when I was six year-old. It was a gift and I didn't earn it.

Maybe entertainment is not supposed to be reality.

Because I hate fake people and I always think I'm never fake.

Sometimes I like to vent.

I wasn't really qualified to be on Saturday Night Live - I'm not like an impressionist or anything.

I always wanted to be on a sitcom.

Maybe I'll learn how but the only thing I can do is turn down parts that would hurt my conscience.

I was the only Christian on the cast but that was cool because we all respected each others talent and mostly they respected me a lot even though I was the only Christian.

I've had a lot of struggles and I would be in a lot of trouble I think if I wasn't a Christian.