Vanessa Carlton Quotes

The women who don't feel that people think they're sexy are the ones who seem to titillate in that way because they don't feel like they're getting that kind of approval

The heart of a woman will never be found in the arms of a man.

I learned a lot from that first record and I learned a lot from my experiences touring but really the biggest education I got over the past two years was learning the importance of arrangements.

Food can become such a point of anxiety - not because it's food but just because you have anxiety. That's how eating disorders develop.

And it's sad because it's like a surprise to people - almost an anomaly - when artists are actually refined and trained on an instrument. That's the last thing people think about.

Plus there were so many pianos in my house so I couldn't really avoid it

But the approach to recording this album was kind of an organized chaotic approach where I wanted to maintain and preserve that wild abandon to creating.

Toting around a full orchestra on tour is very ambitious. I would consider doing a show now and then like do a show at Radio City or Carnegie Hall with a full orchestra.

The music industry is so easy compared to the ballet world

I am not this big celebrity but it gets really crazy. You have to go through the nuts of blowing up in a sense and then figuring out how to live your life with that

I don't put boundaries on myself when I sit at the piano

My songs are a direct route into my brain and my heart

You can derive everything that is healthy for yourself in the woods.

I went horseback riding and got a big chunk of horse manure kicked into my face. It has a way of slapping you right back into reality.

I have gone from being a 21-year-old with wide eyes to a 24-year-old woman. With success comes a lot of responsibility and power

I work hard and I will always work hard. But I feel very lucky with the way that it has all come together.

Well I would say that music just happens with me I'm not in the driver's seat when I am at the piano the piano is.

I tour with a piano actually. Luckily I am able to hire people that deal with it completely and magically a piano appears on stage and then magically disappears when I leave

I did not stop dancing; I did take two years off to get myself together

When it comes to music we live in a very different world than everyone did in the 1960s and 1970s

When faced with the choice to Love or Decieve therein lies the path to the Heroes and Thieves.

Writing this record let me recapture who I am. It is summed up in the title Be Not Nobody. You need to feel comfortable in your skin and do whatever you need to do for yourself to heal or to grow.

It's always times like these when I think of you and I wonder if you ever think of me.

If Mozart were around now he would write a killer rock song.

I don't use sex to sell records obviously but I'd be lying if I said that I don't feel like I have to make an effort to look good when I go out onstage to wear something pretty.

Well I'm stubborn and wrong but at least I know it.