Taylor Lautner Quotes

I get nervous before everything - dates filming awards shows.

I have had someone ask me to sign their 'Team Taylor' panties. She wasn't a teenager. She was in her 40s.

Boxing is so loose and flowy and martial arts is more stiff and about strength and structure.

Probably the people around me and the people I care about. They are my motivation. That's probably what drives me to succeed. Family and friends.

I've always been really active. I grew up playing sports so I'm always shooting hoops or throwing the football with my friends. I'm super-active in that sense.

I love action films. I'd love to do an action drama. I'm always looking to give my character something action-oriented to do

I do love traveling so I've been able to travel a lot.

The day I finished 'Twilight ' I came home and started bulking up. For 'New Moon ' I'm 30 pounds heavier than I was in 'Twilight.'

When we were filming 'Twilight ' we didn't expect anything. We were just filming a movie that we wanted the fans to enjoy. And then it kinda just blew into this whole other world.

Honesty and loyalty are key. If two people can be honest with each other about everything that's probably the biggest key to success.

I'm a big fan of all those singing competition shows.

A dream acting role would be Matt Damon in the Bourne series. I would love to do something like that!

My parents are pretty good about keeping me humble. They brought me up good.

If I had to choose I would never take my shirt off again in a movie but I guess that's not very realistic. I certainly won't be asking to do it though.

There's no ex out there who I'm not friends with today and I'm extremely thankful for that.

I always played sports when I was young. I played football and baseball for eight years. I loved football.

I like to have fun but I don't think of myself as being funny. But I'm a big jokester so I make fun of myself a lot!

Oh it's soo hard being famous! I can't date anybody because everybody just wants my hot body and my Twilight millions!

I believe in the saying 'If you aim at nothing you're going to hit nothing.' So if you don't set goals then you have nowhere to go.

I don't want to become known as just a body.

Canada is great. It's one of the most beautiful cities and I'm definitely going to miss it a lot.

Does my being half-naked bother you?

I was exercising so hard that I began to lose weight.

Some of the actors that I love most have challenged themselves throughout their entire career. That's my goal.

I think the fans would love anybody who played Jacob. I'm just lucky to be the one who got the chance.

The thing I love is that my home life hasn't changed. I still help out with the garbage. I still help out with the lawn.

I've been lucky enough to be surrounded by close friends and family and they've definitely kept me grounded.

I live with my family. I moved to L.A. eight years ago and it's the same room. But I'm looking now. I might get a condo.

My dream as an actor growing up was always to challenge myself to different genres different roles and it's actually rare that an actor's given that opportunity to do that.

I love challenging myself doing different things and exploring different areas that I haven't been to or gone to before. That's what I love about acting and that's what I love about film.

If I start thinking 'Is this movie going to open? Is this movie going to do well?' I'm not focusing on the job. The job is to make a good movie.

I love to have fun and goof around and be silly so anybody who can also do that is good for me.

I like to think of myself as very loyal and I love everyone I surround myself with whether they're friends or girlfriends or whatever.

I got the famous Oprah hug!

I'm reteaming with the producers of 'Twilight' on an awesome script. It's very serious dramatic and different for me. I'm excited to see what's next. I love all aspects of film and all genres.

I still help out with the garbage. I still help out with the lawn.

Playing hard to get is not the way to win me over. I'm definitely more for the girl who can smile and laugh all the time and just have a good time!

I am so crazy with my music taste and I'm so .... I mean I'll listen to a song. I'll become obsessed with it and then I'm on to the next one. It's just very inconsistent.

I've never been in a love triangle. I would not want to be in that situation.

I'm not the biggest motorcycle fan - they're cool and a lot of fun but they're scary as well!

If I love the character and if I love the story and the character requires me to be shirtless or if it requires me to lose 30 pounds I'm ready to do it.

It's definitely important to stay true to yourself and stay close to those people who you were close to before [becoming famous]. Family your friends and just not let that outside stuff get to you.

It's very rare that things are true about yourself that are on the Internet. It's just sad sometimes. So you definitely try and stay away from it as much as possible.