Tasha Smith Quotes

I am just discovering my fashion side. I have never felt anchored when it comes to fashion.

That's just part of the blessing of being an actor: you get to learn so many things about life.

I love actors and I'm passionate about the creative process of acting and filmmaking.

My excitement about my life and my future makes me happy because I am a dreamer and I always dream no matter how many obstacles are in my way.

I've opened up my school in California in a beautiful facility on Ventura Boulevard. I'm always in heaven when I'm doing my classes.

I felt like I was literally losing myself as being the joyful spiritual passionate exciting woman that I naturally had been.

Creativity inspires me.

You could drop me off in the middle of a sea of people and I'm happy.

My dreams my desires and my goals make me smile.

I love to hear stories about people who got to places where they are today. Those kinds of things are very interesting to me.

Humanity inspires me people inspire me I've always been a people person and I love people.