Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy Quotes

An Academy Award nomination is stuff dreams are made of

It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from - if you put quality work out there it will be appreciated.

I'm generally quite an angry person and I like to channel my anger toward something creative.

In terms of 'Saving Face ' I was inspired by the stories of survivors who didn't let their attacks stop them from pursuing justice and seeking treatment.

My films are motivated by a keen interest in highlighting issues that affect marginalized populations who are caught in difficult circumstances.

The Pakistani government and its allies must overhaul their policies in Pakistan.

My family restores my sense of ease and keeps me balanced.

Music is a universal language.

I hope I can make Pakistan proud by bringing home an Oscar.

I believe in telling the truth.

By bringing the voices of the ordinary people faced with extraordinary challenges to television screens around the world I hope to affect change in one community at a time.

What good is my parents' wealth and education and upbringing if I'm not contributing to the world?

By giving our audience intimate access to the lives of musicians we hope to raise awareness of the region's beautiful cultural heritage and present a more nuanced portrait of its people.

I don't think I'll be making documentaries my whole life.

Don't give up your dreams.

When I'm not working on the ground spending time with my husband and daughter puts me at ease.

I became a documentary filmmaker because I wanted to make socially conscious films. I never studied filmmaking - everything I have learned has been on the field.

All the women in Pakistan working for change don't give up on your dreams this is for you

When you play music you don't need a language. Music is a language.

As filmmakers you're not working on just one project you're producing something directing something shooting something and so it becomes hard to do it by yourself.

Working in any country where you want to talk about the kind of issues that other people don't want to talk about is difficult.

Pakistan destroyed its own reputation. If anything I have improved Pakistan's image.

Education liberates a woman.

The day I won an Emmy was also the day my father passed away. I received a call from my sister on the way to the ceremony and had to turn my car around and catch the first flight back to Karachi.

It takes one second to ruin a woman's life.

My topics are timely. When an event is happening is when I want to be there... I think it is our duty to challenge the status quo.