Samantha Mumba Quotes

All I say is that I don't go out with famous men.

All I want to do when I have time off is to have a laugh with my school friends and go down the pub.

I'm having a great time. It's like I'm on some ridiculous big roller coaster not knowing what's happening next but just having a great time on the ride.

I loved being behind the scenes and finding out how they make movies.

When I'm out with a group I hide in the corner and get legless. I just make sure my friends shield me.

But I'm not crazy about the designers like Prada and Gucci. I hate going into designer stores.

I'm really starting to think everything happens for a reason.

I'm very picky and I'm never 100% happy with the work I do; I hate watching myself and hearing my voice.

I'm not into the whole showbiz scene.

I'm based in London now. I'm renting an apartment making my own little home. It's great because I am around people all the time and I need my own space to get away from it all.

People watch me waiting for me to slip up so my privacy has gone - but that's a price you pay.