Sam Taylor-Johnson Quotes

The thing that is so great about Ang Lee is the diversity in his filmmaking from 'Brokeback...' to 'The Hulk.'

I'm annoying to be around because I keep twitching.

When you have an author and an auteur it's a difficult and challenging relationship.

It would be nice to be a bit autonomous again to enjoy something a bit quiet.

I think I was lucky I got into art college. That's what saved me.

I feel like I became an artist by default. I went to art college but my interest was always more towards film than painting or sculpture.

Even today I work with Niall O'Brien who is far more technically astute than I am but I still have the clearest idea of every detail I want in my photograph.

Despite great advances in women's rights statistics show that when it comes to the balance of power between the sexes equality is far from being a global reality.

If you love someone you love someone. It doesn't matter; age colour c'mon!

I'm interested in the acting and staging of specific emotions and so I work with actors. It's a small proportion of what I do but it's always what people seem to focus on.

I am not famous at all.

It was so amazing to fall crazily in love and get married and have kids.

I eat all the time and I run all the time.

The pictures I make come from every blink of my lashes.

I've made lots of big decisions in my life that have shocked people.

I don't eat any dairy products at all usually - it's a self-imposed ban. I've done it for a year now since I was ill but it's so hard.

I believe that life is short and there is too much time wasted bearing grudges and I like to move on.

I'm very blessed with the perfect husband.

My biggest fears aren't with my work. My biggest fears are walking through hospital doors. Once you can face that being fearless about your work is easy.

My parents were Beatle fans but my mom was especially a Lennon fan so I was exposed to him more. I remember her playing 'Double Fantasy' quite often.

I'd like to make something about someone who hasn't existed so that I don't have to tread so carefully and can feel a little bit more creative freedom.

When Scorsese or Coppola cast celebrities in their work it goes without question.

A friend got me a job on the door of the Camden Palace nightclub which quickly progressed to running the place.

I only photograph myself at poignant moments in my life as a check of where I am and how large my thighs are.

I keep seeing in the papers that I am good friends with Samantha Cameron. I've never met her in my life.

I think I just love films where men have complete breakdowns.

In 'Fifty Shades ' seemingly Christian has all the power and control - but actually Anastasia does.

In the old days 'controversial' in a relationship meant same-sex or mixed races.

Mum and Dad split up when I was nine. We upped and moved from London to Sussex and suddenly I went from an urban life to nothing in the countryside - with a new father and new life.

You think 'You hired me because I'm a creative artist with a vision. Don't try and knock it out of me.'

My mother reads tarot cards actually but I won't let her read mine.

I can be a bit extreme. I'll spend too much time running round the park doing yoga and drinking green tea. I can get a bit obsessive. I have to rein it in sometimes.

I think the whole of people's psychology and where they are in life interests me and the decisions you make that take you on particular journeys to different places.

Directing 'Fifty Shades of Grey' has been an intense and incredible journey for which I am hugely grateful. I have Universal to thank for that.

I try to leave things as open ended as possible not too overladen with meaning.

To be feminist doesn't mean you can't be submissive.

I'm fascinated by male vulnerability.

It's difficult for me to work with women because I find that direct references are made back to me too fast. Working with men it gives it a little distance.

I want to protect my vision and that's the hardest thing.

I don't think you can judge something without seeing it.

I love showing my scar on my tummy - it is shaped like a question mark.

Sometimes photographing people is like pulling teeth trying to get some sort of personality.

When I was eight a hippie guy taught me how to meditate and gave me this scarf I was supposed to wear when I meditated. I still have it; it's probably one of the items that mean most to me.

I think it was Elisabeth Shue who said that if you start a movie with a woman seen through a man's eyes that woman is objectified by him throughout.