Sabrina Jeffries Quotes

Angel? Angels didn't sit on the lap of wicked scoundrels-not unless they were the fallen kind.

The man is always the last to know when Cupid has struck him -Anonymous Memoirs of a Mistress

Advising Mrs. Harris was the least I could do " David said smoothly. "After all she was the one who brought me and my late wife together.

You can never know too much about writing. If you think you know everything you're not leaving yourself open to learn. . . . The best writers are always learning exploring and trying to improve.

It is better to be blind than to see things from only one point of view.

It's not your instincts that are the problem. It's your tendency to drown them in a bottle.

No one is born to courage Juliet. Courage is a habit you develop after cowardice has gotten you nothing.

I can promise that even having an imperfect one who loves you is better than having none at all.

Don't be silly. Loving is easy. It's finding someone to love you back that's hard.

No disease is more dangerous than a bad husband for if a woman catches that Pox she'll languish from it her entire life.

A teacher had once told them that men were either beasts gentlemen or beasts masquerading as gentlemen. Might there be a fourth category ? gentlemen masquerading as beasts?

Trying to rewrite the past was a child's game a pointless ridiculous child's game no one ever won.

Clearly she didn't get out into society nearly enough. Her pulse had no taste in men whatsoever.

Terence: As my old da used to tell me 'never trust a rich man'.David: Good thing I'm only moderately rich.Terence: Which is why I only moderately distrust you.

A man is what he is and no fancy lodgings or fine clothes will change that (Daniel Brennan)

And in my private life I prefer not to pass myself off as what I'm not (Daniel Brennan)

No one in life can ever match fiction

What are you doing here?" she asked. "You forgot something when you left Halstead Hall " he said hoarsely. "What?" Her heart lept into her throat as he strode purposefully toward her. "Me.

You got off on the wrong foot. I merely watched you shove it into your mouth.

If you never put your life in someone else's hands then you can't really expect them to put theirs in yours. In the long run never trusting anyone is a hard way to live.

Sometimes the way to a man's heart is through his talleywacker.