Rosa Bonheur Quotes

if we don't always understand animals they always understand us.

But the suit I wear is my work attire and nothing else.

The eye-is it not the mirror of the soul in all living creatures?

The point of departure must always be a vision of the truth. The eye is the route of the soul and the pencil or brush must sincerely and naïvely reproduce what it sees.

The epithets of imbeciles have never bothered me.

The horse is like man the most beautiful and the most miserable of creatures.

To his doctrines I owe my great and glorious ambition for the sex to which I proudly belong and whose independence I shall defend until my dying day.

My dream is to show the fire which comes out of the horses' nostrils; the dust which rises from their hooves. I want this to be an infernal waltz.