Rob James-Collier Quotes

My mom and dad put my brother and sister through university and they were very keen for us to have an academic background just to give us a chance.

If you're going to kiss a man let it be a beautiful man like Ed Speleers.

I'm proud of the fact that Downton Abbey was born in a recession at a time when ITV had dropped a lot of drama programmes. And I know that because I was out of work at the time!

I got into acting for the different scenarios and roles and meeting different people.

When people accuse me of being really posh I think 'Hang on a minute - no I'm not!'

Most actors will tell you that villains are the most interesting to play.

There's definitely a wave of Brits doing great work on American television and I wouldn't mind being one of them!

America does not like people being not nice to dogs.

Beverly Hills is too intimidating. Everyone's got lovely teeth so you don't want to smile. Everyone's ripped so you start working out at 4 in the morning and eating egg white omelets.

My girlfriend is a great support and I've got a big circle of mates who keep my feet on the ground.

If I had a comfort blanket I wouldn't have been as passionate and driven.

People identify with being heartbroken. We've all been heartbroken haven't we? I've been dumped and it feels horrible.

I've swam with great white sharks.

Being in 'Coronation Street' is only going to make me a better actor.

If youre going to kiss a man let it be a beautiful man like Ed Speleers.

You don't buy evil characters lattes. That's not normal behavior.

Before 'Coronation Street ' I was a jobbing actor and after it I'm a jobbing actor again.

I think because of my background - I went through university and did an academic career and fell into acting - I've never had a game plan for my career because I got into it quite ad hoc.

I'm a working class lad.

If you rile a tiger he's going to show his claws.

My dad doesn't watch 'Coronation Street.' But my mum is a massive fan. I'd like to think my dad will watch it for a few token episodes as I'm in it.

I can't watch myself on screen without dying a little bit inside. And there are lots of moments when I think 'What am I doing as an actor? I can't act!'

Because youve done the horrible jobs it gives you an even grittier determination to succeed.

Because you've done the horrible jobs it gives you an even grittier determination to succeed.

I'm quite flirtatious with anyone. Some people because I'm playing a gay character get quite nervous. And I have to reassure them. I'm like "?I'm not gay. I'm not coming on to you. Yet.'

You know if something is good because you remember the lines because it is written so well. The rhythm of the speech is spot on.

Sometimes people can be guilty of not working at relationships and if it's not working oof that's it.

I just want to say thank you to everyone who watched and tuned in and loved my evil gayness.

It's not just modern-day society that is liberal.

And there are lots of moments when I think "?What am I doing as an actor? I can't act!'

The reason I'm an actor and am trying to make my way in drama is to move people to affect people to gain a response - so these people who come up to you in the street are your audience.

It's hard being gay in Edwardian times.

Obviously I play a villain in 'Downton Abbey'. As an actor you want to get a variety of roles so to be offered the part of Joe it was perfect.