Oh Land Quotes

Sometimes something becomes a lot better. It's like a puzzle . You can't force a round brick into a square. It's a delicate thing. You need to let the song decide.

Usually a song being hard to write is a sign that the song isn't good enough. It should be like a good kiss. Effortless and smooth.

A successful collaboration is all about trust and respect. If you show people trust they will perform better.

I'm horrible at concepts. My life is random and my inspiration is random. But it's all written in a very specific time frame that says a lot about my life at the time.

Sometimes artists are control freaks and it's certainly important to have a vision but within that vision you need to allow freedom and personality- or you light as well hire robots.

Saying "now it's done" . It's horrible. Sometimes I force myself to do it or I know I will turn crazy.