Nate Oats Quotes

Once we announce the staff here in the next week two weeks whatever it takes I think everyone's going to be shocked at how good a staff we put together.

The Bowling Green game was a big-time environment. We wanna see that for all the games.

There's not going to be a whole lot of change to be honest with you. I don't think there's a reason to fix what's broke.

They wanted me as coach.

The head coach has to crack down a little more.

One of the learning curves I'm not going to have is being a head coach.

We got almost the entire team coming back; we only had two seniors last year. We plan not just on making it back but on taking the next step.

A return to the NCAA is the expectation... I think that's a good pressure. I'd rather that pressure to the other way. ... I like a little pressure on me.

I've been on the phone I think 20 out of 24 hours the last three days.

We're gonna get some time to sit down individually with each player and see what their role is.