Natasha Richardson Quotes

A film is a director's vision... there is however much input an actor or actress can have.

I need advice and opinion-honest opinion. I want to get better. Why go around with blinkers on?

Cheerleading is life you must give it your all and always strive to be on top. It teaches you so much from how to be a team player leadership dedication confidence and many other qualities.

What's in the movie compared to what we shot is the tip of the iceberg.

Whats in the movie compared to what we shot is the tip of the iceberg.

What my father especially taught me was to not always take the safe road the easy road. If you are going to do good work you have to risk failing badly.

I wake up every morning feeling lucky - which is driven by fear no doubt since I know it could all go away.

I've played comedy before but not that much. I mostly do get drawn to darker material.

I always felt too young and selfish to have children of my own.