Natascha McElhone Quotes

I feel awful for women who are trying to raise kids on their own with zero income and no fathers present - that's single motherhood.

I've always looked old for my age.

I think it's incumbent on actresses to bring something else to the part which isn't in the script.

I have a massive divide between being a competent human being and being completely hopeless when it comes to logic.

Death is final. No it is not just final it's worse than that it's diminishing: the dead continue to decrease to occupy less space.

In terms of 'Solaris ' I didn't really think about the religious aspect an awful lot. There's one scene at a dinner party and it's discussed but it wasn't an overwhelming theme for me.

I always keep myself busy. I'm writing. Or I'm creating something. Or I'm doing stuff with the kids. I'm up incredibly early in the morning; I go to bed incredibly late at night.

Scribbling things down is my therapy. I filter later.

It's how the '70s were for movies the 2000s are for TV. I think it's a phenomenal time for TV and to be involved in it.

I happen to find motherhood a very natural state but I know a lot of other people don't.

My stepfather introduced me to The London Library when I was about 18; the clientele has definitely changed since then but it is still a wonderful oasis in the middle of London.

I play Nitin Sawhney's 'Letting Go' repeatedly nonstop. I find it transformative. I'm so glad iPods were invented so I didn't have to drive everyone around me mad with the repetition.