
?Courage is a virtue appreciated in a male but considered a defect in our gender. Bold women are a threat to a world that is badly out of balance in favor of men.,Isabel Allende

I call them april babies cause they fools,Lil Wayne

My favourite novel is Frederick Forsythe's Day Of The Jackal the story about the unproven case of this apparent Englishman who was hired to assassinate De GaulleÂ

Let us look ahead as little as possible keeping our eyes on Â

?'The demon cried waving its furry arms above his head like a demented orangutan.,Jana Oliver

...arbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion and as a matter of law unsupportable.,Luther L. Bohanon

We seem to have thought of everything - except the Arabs,Judah Leon Magnes

By analogy if we were to develop a soccer team then we would not invite basketball and volleyball players to the try outs. We would invite soccer players to apply.,Jean-Marie Le Pen

?Keep your love I have no use for it anymore.,Richelle Mead

True expertise is the most potent form of authority.,Victoria Bond

¦I noticed a woman whose face was a sea voyage I had not the courage to attempt.,Jeanette Winterson

To me defense is a mental attitudeÂ

?A day in which I don't write leaves a taste of ashes.,Simone de Beauvoir

Learn what can and cannot be asked from destiny.,Janet Morris

A real work of art destroys in the consciousness of the receiver the separation between himself and the artist.,Leo Tolstoy

The work of art must seize upon you...carry you away.,Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Our experience of the world is being impoverished to the extent that it is being rendered artificial and prepackaged.,David W. Orr

¦I realized my happiness was artificial. I felt happy because I saw the others were happy and because I knew I should feel happy but I wasn't really happy.,Roberto Bolano

¦ and so he tried to accept the ache in his heart as what Dr. Larch would call the common symptoms of normal life.,John Irving


Sooner or later disasters such as an asteroid collision or a nuclear war could wipe us all out But once we spread out into space and establish independent colonies our future should be safe.,Stephen Hawking

Â?Iraq and Afghanistan Â

she remembered watching a summer sunset from this very spot. Not so long ago; just a lifetime.,Sharon Kay Penman

?Faith if it is ever right about anything is right by accident,Sam Harris

¦but there they lay sprawled across the field craved far more by the vultures than by wives.,Homer

?We are already taking care of people from jail. Hundred and ten non-criminal women are already with us in Shantidhan (abode of peace).,Mother Teresa

The soul comes from without into the human body as into a temporary abode and it goes out of it anewÂ

The Bush administration is a paragon of wisdom.,George Sanders

We have tax revenue that's going to allow us to look in a much more comprehensive way at intervening in addiction.,John Hickenlooper

I was not alone when I was in Goofy hell,Aristotle

beating time along the edge of thought.,Sylvia Plath

The American Dream is ownership Â

when the person beside you is making you alert and keen and the idea of being with anyone else is not imaginable,Steve Martin

I ain't lookin down but I see no one above me.,Lil Wayne

The best form of devotion to the service of Allah is not to make a show of it.,Ali ibn Abi Talib

All stories should be completely planned out from beginning to end.,George Sanders

All I really need is my bed and my art around me.,Mary-Kate Olsen

?I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to stay right here and cause all kinds of trouble.,Suzanne Collins

?Imprinting on someone is like... Like when you see her... Everything changes. All of a sudden its not gravity holding you to the planet. It's her... Nothing else matters.,Stephenie Meyer

?Sometimes I feel like when someone asks me if I believe in God it's like a blind person asking if I'm black so that they can put me in the right category.,Hank Green

?What a blight that woman is. Do you happen to know why? I lean toward a malignant fairy at her christening.,Mary Ann Shaffer

?Life is a series of highs and lows. The trick is to tip the balance in your favor by following your heart and taking some risks.,John Avery

¦the book creates meaning the meaning creates life.,Roland Barthes

?Dancing is not just getting up painlessly like a leaf blown on the wind; dancing is when you tear your heart out and rise out of your body to hang suspended between the worlds.,Rumi

President Monson I may never see the Prophet. I may never hear the Prophet. But President far better now that I am a member of this Church I can obey the Prophet.,Thomas S. Monson

...All events are blessings given to us to learn from and therefore we should be grateful for the opportunity to grow and evolve into our best selves.,Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

was designed to protect his heart to bind me and bribe me to stay with him no matter what. He was giving everything he had.,Sylvia Day

In the goodness of time all peoples will come to live together in a peace guaranteed by the binding force of mutual respect and love.,Dwight D. Eisenhower

?To focus on matters beyond our control is to misdirect energy waste time and doom us to frustration and failure.,Harvey Dorfman

?It is a cruel injustice to tell a bootless man to pull himself up by his bootstraps.,Martin Luther King Jr.

? When a person is born we rejoice and when they're married we jubilate but when they die we try to pretend nothing has happened.,Margaret Mead

The soul is not born; it does not die; it was not produced from anyoneÂ

?We have a lamp inside us. The oil of that lamp is our breathing our steps and our peaceful smile. Our practice is to light up the lamp.,Nhat Hanh

Knowledge will bring you the opportunity to make a difference,Claire Fagin

?In every crisis there is a message. Crises are nature's way of forcing change - breaking down old structures shaking loose negative habits so that something new and better can take their place.,Susan L. Taylor

Love me or hate me I promise it won't make or break me.,Lil Wayne

There is no greater gift to an insecure leader that quite matches a vague enemy who can be used to whip up fear and hatred among the population.,Paul Rusesabagina

Ganas is all you need.,Jaime Escalante

¦she felt depressed beyond any thing she had ever known before.,Jane Austen

...Grateful living makes life meaningful and full of joy.,David Steindl-Rast

I criticize America because I love her. I want her to stand as a moral example to the world.,Martin Luther King Jr.

?Be careful not to keep your eyes glued to detail. Stand far enough away to get a perspective of the whole.,Jean Webster

?Not having time for a person not being able to sit in silence together with somebody that's the same as rejecting them as being scornful about them.,Henning Mankell

¦there is no nakedness that compares to being naked in front of someone for the first time.,John Irving

Great suffering has a silver-lining that we can be grateful for because it builds up a human being and puts him or her within reach of self-knowledge.,Anwar Sadat

?What doesn't bend must break when dooms are apportioned and destiny takes the lead. As it will now and as it must until this struggle ends.,Janet Morris

I see it but I don't believe it.,Richard Dedekind

Do you believe in intuition?,Henrik Tikkanen

?There is a place where voices sing your beauty A place where every breath carves your image in my soul.,Rumi

¦a cheerful black shadow reared up behind him as he spoke thundering a happy challenge to my Dark Passenger which slid forward and bellowed back.,Jeff Lindsay

¦deep-diving love a love that excavates you. It's something you have to have before you die in order to have lived.,Marisha Pessl

In the woods we return to reason and faith. There I feel that nothing can befall me in life~~no disgrace no calamity (leaving me my eyes) which nature cannot repair.,Ralph Waldo Emerson

You got beef bring your cow I will cattle you,Lil Wayne

Eriugena and other Celtic teachers speak of Christ as our memory as the one who leads us to our deepest identity as the one who remembers the song of our beginningsÂ

Every day is a fresh beginning; Listen my soul to the glad refrain And in spite of old sorrowÂ

Tell em keep my name out they mouth cuz they dont know me,Lil Wayne

We must learn that the electric Universe of motion is divided into wave cycles which are equally divided into opposite expressions,Walter Russell

?Because if I hadn't been so afraid of everyone else I might have told Hannah that someone cared. And Hannah might still be alive.,Jay Asher

There exists only one person who has the power to cast the deciding vote that will kill your dreamÂ

¦well just call me Hannibal Lecter. With cleavage.,Jeaniene Frost

Freedom in childhood may be the right to be totally self-centered. Â

¦and to all you other cats and chicks out there sweet or otherwise buried deep in wordy tombs who never yet have walked from off the page a shake and a hug and a kiss and a drink. Cheers!,Gilbert Sorrentino

Utter truth is essential and that is what stirs me when I look through the camera.,Margaret Bourke-White

It's not just where you go but how you choose to get there.,Sarah Dessen

?You only lose that which you cling to.,Gautama Buddha

?Experts are clueless.,Steve Jobs

I believe in rainbows and all of that. But there are darker colors Â

?For Tempus...was a dozen storm gods' avatar; no army he sanctified could know defeat; no war he fought could not be won. Combat was life to him; he fought like the gods themselves...,Janet Morris

?Mark it down: God loves you with an unearthly love. You can't win it by being winsome. You can't lose it by being a loser. But you can be blind enough to resist it,Max Lucado

she gave me a look that deftly combined tenderness with revulsion. To this day the memory of that look still visits me like a Jehovah's Witness: uninvited and tireless.,Steve Toltz

To fashion stars out of dog dung that is the Great Work. To take a negative experience and by comparing it to something worse make it feel good is the great skill.,Alexandra David-Neel

Cannonball Adderley said 'First 20 minutes we'll jazz out then the last hour it's gonna be songs that people paid to see.' Which is why he was driving a Rolls-Royce.,Robert Glasper

but you cant get all hung up on details when you are trying to survive,Sapphire

a cynic who was still saddened whenever his jaundiced view of mankind was confirmed...,Sharon Kay Penman

Some of the anxiety has been laid to rest. We don't see a spike in adult use. We don't think we see a spike in youth consumption although there are some things that are disconcerting.,John Hickenlooper

The making of peace is a continuing process that must go on from day to day from year to year so long as our civilization shall last.,J. William Fulbright

The contract's null and void by the way.,Richelle Mead

?True love isn't expressed in passionately whispered words an intimate kiss or a embrace; before two people are married love is expressed in self-control patience even words left unsaid.,Joshua Harris

?I have panicked unnecessarily in all four corners of the globe.,Jon Ronson

?You cannot correct an old person every time they say something offensive. You would never make it through Thanksgiving dinner!,Stephen Colbert

¦how monstrous the people you loved could be.,Marisha Pessl

'Deadwood.' I could have watched that forever.,Judd Apatow

¦So when the last and dreadful hour This crumbling pageant shall devour The trumpet shall be heard on high The dead shall live the living die And Music shall untune the sky,John Dryden

¦made me promise to cut down on the drinking and swearing which I have. Unfortunately this has left me dim-witted and nearly speechless.,Nelson DeMille

?I don't think we can do anything more than what we are doing now.,Mother Teresa

The greatest discovery you'll ever make is the potential of your own mind.,José Silva

I'm a victim of sexual discrimination.,Harry Enfield

¦we can not love or think except in fragments of time each of which goes along its own trajectory and immediately disappears.,Italo Calvino

New ways of seeing can disclose new thingsÂ

¦Perhaps this momentary life of ours is only the light that divides our infinite origin from our infinite end.,Juan Ramon Jimenez

¦ it was raining on Himmel Street when the world ended for Liesel Meminger. The sky was dripping. Like a tap that a child has tried its hardest to turn off but hasn't quite managed.,Markus Zusak

You're an old man who dresses like a Hooter's waitress.,Greg Giraldo

¦dearest loveliest Elizabeth [...] By you I was properly humbled.,Jane Austen

I think my fondest memories would be with Sting and Steamboat Dusty and erÂ

Is it any wonder somebody like Donald Trump is racing through the presidential primary process?,Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood

The sounds of people drowning are something that I can not describe to you and neither can anyone else. It's the most dreadful sound and there is a terrible silence that follows it.,Eva Hart

Dreamers and dreaming dead lots of them from neither here nor there with no chance of getting home again lost in place and time...,Janet Morris

I hate myself for not being able to go downstairs naturally and seek comfort in numbers. I hate myself for having to sit here and be torn between I know not what within me.,Sylvia Plath

?This I know... That often when I sang and drummed and danced I found my eternity.,Rabindranath Tagore

If I buy stocks on Smith's tip I must sell those same stocks on Smith's tip. I am depending on him. Suppose Smith is away on a holiday when the selling time comes around?,Jesse Lauriston Livermore

I know I am deathlessÂ

Our government will soon become what it is already a long way toward becoming an elective dictatorship.,J. William Fulbright

?It is better to pursue a hopeless hope than to give in to black despair.,Isobelle Carmody

¦but then I am unlike other people I dare say.,Jane Austen

Developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers....,Steve Ballmer

Newton was the greatest genius that ever existed and the most fortunate for we cannot find more than once a system of the world to establish.,Joseph-Louis Lagrange

I want to stay alive in pretty much 90% of my movies. Slaughtering isn't exactly what I'm going for but I will play edgy for sure.,Miley Cyrus

¦ but only because exhaustion is a life-sign; it is at least a form of being human.,John Irving

You learn when you listen. You earn when you listen-not just money but respect.,Harvey Mackay

'Come on guys I'm the leader of a whole movie...!' I tell when I want people to fear and respect me. Not wildly effective.,Joss Whedon

?'All we need is a book ' roared Leslie; 'don't panic hit 'em with a book.,Gerald Durrell

Verzage nicht auch bei allzugroßem Leid; vielleicht ist das Unglück die Quelle eines Glücks.,Menander

There aint nothin gonna stop me so just envy it,Lil Wayne

A man falls in love through his eyes a woman through her ears.,Woodrow Wyatt

?Old enough to kill means old enough to die,Janet Morris

¦only a poet could frame a language that could frame a world.,Jeanette Winterson

¦there was no more safety to be found in love than there was to be found in a virus.,John Irving

?Live the truth and everything else will fall into place.,John Avery

?People who talk less frequently notice more.,Judith McNaught

Knowledge is the frontier of tomorrow.,Denis Waitley

?We only have so many faces in our pockets,Marlon Brando

I think decriminalization would've been a wiser first step.,John Hickenlooper

England Their England by AG Macdonell which was written in the thirties and is about a young Scotsman who's got shell shocked during the First World WarÂ

?To go where you're wishing you could go first you must tie your shoes and step off the porch.,John Avery

?No people whose word for 'yesterday' is the same as their word for 'tomorrow' can be said to have a firm grip on the time.,Salman Rushdie

?When suddenly you find yourself on the wrong highway perhaps it's time for a new job or some new friends. It's your life - live it.,John Avery

The root of joy is gratefulness.,David Steindl-Rast

I got niggaz lookin' for Websters like George Papadopolis',Ras Kass

¦the amount of maintenance involving hair is genuinely overwhelming. Sometimes I think that not having to worry about your hair anymore is the secret upside of death.,Nora Ephron

I think the most important thing is that in the last seven days we've just had the greatest adventure of our lifetimes.,Richard Branson

Ok you're a goon but what's a goon to a goblin,Lil Wayne

¦God it's over. Takumi you gotta stop stealing other people's problems and get some of your own.,John Green

The Holy Spirit . . . wants to flow through us and realize all these wonderful possibilities in the world - if we only open ourselves and allow it to happen.,David Steindl-Rast

I am not an American of JEWISH faith. I am a JEW. I have been a JEW for a thousand years. Hitler was right in one thing. He calls the Jewish people a race and we are a race.,Stephen Samuel Wise

Haters only hate things they can't have and the people they can't be. It's just a little thing called jealousy.,Lil Wayne

I'm a new song and you're just a remix.,Lil Wayne

Memory is not about what went on in the past it is about what is going on inside us right this moment. Â

?We need to become more unreasonable but in an intelligent way.,Jerry Brown

¦ Her heart remained empty once more and the procession of days all alike began again. So they were going to follow one another like this in line always identical innumerable bringing nothing!,Gustave Flaubert

One impulse from a vernal wood,William Wordsworth

The more I live the more I learn The more I learn the more I realize the less I know,Michel Legrand

The more people that meet each other the better it is for all of them.,Fletcher Pratt

If you don't make mistakes you aren't really trying.,Coleman Hawkins

Read Euler: he is our master in everything.,Pierre-Simon Laplace

The most powerful single idea in mathematics is the notion of a variable.,Alexander Dewdney

What greater gift can we offer the republic than to teach and instruct our youth?,Marcus Tullius Cicero

We have a responsibility and an obligation to do everything we can to try to make this work.,John Hickenlooper

?What is to prevent say an uprising?,Suzanne Collins

?It has ever been my fate to give pain to those whose happiness I should have promoted.,Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

... he had understood better than anyone ... the beauty that grew out of the simple knowledge that everything no matter how small or large it might be was a perfect example of what it was.,Charles de Lint

¦there are no wrong turns only unexpected paths.,Mark Nepo

Yes but that's our strongest weak point.,Samuel Goldwyn

?Pick ten strangers and stick them in a room and ask them which of us they feel sorrier for - you or me - and we all know who they'll choose.,Jodi Picoult

It is part of the poet's work to show each man what he sees but does not know he sees.,Edith Sitwell

?Niko and his women will be the death of all the Stepsons yet.,Janet Morris

¦[Thomas Wolfe] says that we are the sum of all the moments of our lives and that uh anybody who sits down to write is gonna use the clay of their own life that you can't avoid that.,Richard Linklater

I wouldn't go over here to Lisa Rinna and I would say 'Are those breasts real are you wearing underwear?',Joan Rivers

Most of us are wiser than we may appear to be. Â

if there weren't stones and rocks where the river passes through the sound of water wouldn't be graceful.

Why try to have pigs flyWhen ducks already can

up is a Movie and a direction